09 - 13/12/1968, FRI

238 4 0

Dear Diary,

I apologise for the lack of taking record of my life. I've been busy and tied up with everyday tasks. It's exhausting honestly.

But today, extremely early in the morning was the eight time Lillian had one of her episodes. In around a matter of two weeks she's been completely agitated and I have no issues with examine what is really going on with her but the other students here are finding it disturbing. They aren't able to concentrate in class and this needs to end soon.

The nature of her night terrors keep altering, with outbursts in the hallways after exiting her room which stirs everyone awake or then I hear disturbances in her bedroom, and enter after feeling reluctant. I sometimes stay in her room till she quietens down, hold her hand to make her feel like someone's going to protect her... and it works most of the times. I've noticed that when she says something about me or the other mutants personally, she's more disturbed. Most of the time she talks about the past but at a few instances I have no clue about what she means.

One time she mentioned the words 'Mutatis Mutandis', our school slogan meaning 'The necessary changes have been made' but she looked scared, with her eyes wide open while staring at me. Then the words "They're going to take us and change us to horrid creatures" followed from her, in the most eerie way possible.

I'm extremely concerned for her health and the health of others around her as well. Thinking about all this is unhealthy for me too.

What am I writing? I am making no sense whatsoever.

Anyways, everything changed today. I gathered my courage and I invited her into my office, then told her everything the whole school experienced for the past couple of weeks. She was shocked and speechless, denying it at first though she accepted the fact that she has episodes of sleep talking and walking at night, but not as extreme as in the actuality.

I talk to her, give her some counselling of sorts even though I have no expertise in that area. She requested it from me, I couldn't say no to helping her.

After growing a little agitated and guilty for her unconscious actions, she told me that she had decided to leave the School, which I took very negatively. I objected did strongly, she can't just... leave! She hasn't done anything wrong, she needs help and she definitely needs me.

I need her here, she can help everyone else too. She's a wonderful person, I just know it and I hear that everyone enjoys her company... ignoring her disturbances.

While the exchange of arguments pursued I had suggested that she should stay with someone, have a roommate. I'm laughing right now at the embarrassment I caused myself, I remember what the conversation went like:

"You should shift to stay with somebody, give yourself some company. It'll help, I feel."

"Well who should I choose?"

"Sleep with me-I-I mean here-I mean-"

I then glanced behind her and saw Hank in the distance walking upstairs. I yelled, "HANK!"

He walked over with confusion and I chuckled nervously. "S-Sleep with Hank! His bedroom's empty," I blurted out and Hank just widened his eyes at me, mumbling something I couldn't catch. Lillian was just... It was a sight to see. You had to be present. There was puzzlement everywhere.

You must be wondering why I offered... It's not like I have feelings for her, of course not. She's as any student here, just a few years older. If she stayed with me, on the bed while I could sleep on a mattress obviously, then I could analyse the causes for her night terrors or uncontrollable abilities.

But that would be far too scandalous. What would the students and faculty think of me? I invite her to this school out of the blue and suddenly she's obtained the permission to sleep in the same-

No... I don't need to justify my feelings to anyone when there aren't any feelings to begin with!

Well, I soon helped her gather her things and reassure her that she should try it out before jumping to the decision of leaving. Wasn't that the logical thing to do? You'd do that too right?

What am I doing? I'm talking to a book, I'm finally losing it. This stress is taking over my rationale.

Anyways, what matters to me more than anything now is if Lillian would improve with the addition of a roommate.

I have trust in Hank... He's a decent fellow, I've known him for years.

We should do anything that's in Lillian's favour. It'll help everyone else here too.


𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now