03 - 15/11/1968, FRI

728 18 0

Comfort is something that has become alien to him, after being mentally tortured with the chronic migraines he has been experiencing.

'Pissed off' isn't an accurate descriptor of his emotional state... it doesn't even come close to how sick the Professor has grown over the last few days. He wants answers, a solution to making his mental discomfort a thing of the past, but he doesn't have a clue as to where he should begin his investigation.

He decides to divert his mind, atleast right now his head isn't aching. He watches as all the students disperse into their classrooms or study rooms, continuing their daily schedule of learning and enhancing their knowledge and hold of their powers.

Now, it's just the Professor wheeling down the long corridor. He stops all of a sudden, wondering if he should snack on a couple of Twinkies and watch some TV. He has no lessons to teach for another two hours, a window of freedom he rarely gets.

He smiles at the thought then turns around to go to the-

The Professor sucks in a sharp breath, the pain makes its return with a full blow. He holds his head tightly, digging his fingers through his hair and crying out for help. Tears roll down his cheeks as he tries to reach for the joystick so he can go to Hank who is just two rooms down.

He has limited control on his muscles, they've grown stiff all of a sudden. The Professor's head starts to spin, the world around him turns to a fuzzy reality, and takes him to complete blackness-

He faints, leaning forward while his head feels heavy, which causes him to fall out of his chair and hit the leg of a table in the corridor.


A ceramic and glass flower vase topples over and shatters to pieces on the floor inches away from him.

People start to peek out of their classrooms, searching for the source of such a loud noise. Hank leans outside and runs to the Professor's unconscious body with alarm.

"Professor? PROFESSOR?!" He yells then checks his pulse, sighing with relief when he finds out that he's still alive, "Get the doctor NOW!"

A few senior students come over and start to help Hank pick up the Professor and place him in his wheel chair. Hank steers the chair to the clinic, who then take over and place the Professor on a medical bed.


He jolts awake with a gasp for air. Looking around feeling completely lost, he furrows his eyebrows and asks, "Wh-What... what's going on?"

Hank frowns, along with a few of the Professor's senior students that feel the same way. "You fainted Professor, we found you on the floor after we heard something break," Hank explains sadly, "Are you alright?"

"I'm... Fine," He answers flatly, "I need to get-"

"Where do you think you're going Professor Xavier?" Nurse Tabitha asks with an eyebrow raised, upon seeing the Professor turning and gesturing for assistance to his wheelchair, "You need to be observed for a little longer. You survived it this time, next time it may be more serious."

The professor rolls his eyes, groaning with frustration. "Don't move," She glares and walks off to help a child who's having a very bad cold.

The Professor eyes her then as soon as she's out of the immediate area, he starts to fumble off the medical bed. "Hank, help me-"

"I don't think you should..."

He looks up to him with eyes filled with innocence, "Please Hank." The young man bit as his lip and then sighs, picking the Professor from his arms while one of his students, whose mutant power is in fact strength, picks him from his legs.

Once comfortable on the wheelchair, He smiles brightly. "I need to know what caused this. Don't let Tabitha know what happened to me," The Professor winks at him, who then forces a smile on his lips.

He steers his wheelchair to a large window, with its curtains pulled back, creating a brilliant angle for viewing the lawn of greenery outside the campus.

The Professor gets lost in his thoughts, staring at the nature outdoors with eyes squinted. He shuts his eyes, trying to search the mental database he has built of everyone's thoughts and identities. He doesn't seem to find the wavelength of anyone who could potentially have done something that caused him to faint after such a severe headache.

Without any success on solving the problem, an idea sparks in his mind. He favours the thought of using Cerebro, the system that allows him to expand, view and record his power capability, to track down the culprit.


He takes the headgear of the massive machine off his head and hangs it in its resting spot. He sighs and starts to tap the arm rests of his wheelchair with his fingers.

The Professor couldn't find anything with Cerebro either, which is rather surprising and odd. Even though he's connected with every single mutant on some level, he can't determine a source for the mental disturbance.

Maybe there's something wrong with me? He thinks then shuts his eyes, No it can't be. I know that it's someone else out there...

"A cry for help," He mumbles then smiles slightly, "And I'm here to save the day... If only I knew what or who is causing it."

He wheels his chair out of the underground section of his mutant headquarters and heads back to the school on its surface. Upon arriving, he finds Hank in the laboratory with a couple of students watching him carry out an experiment using what seems like some harmful chemicals.

Noticing some of his trusted students present, he requests if he could interrupt their mini chemistry class to talk to them about something.

"Sorry to bother you everyone but I wanted to ask if you could keep an eye out for any new mutants, ones that don't perhaps know about their powers or can't control them," The Professor explains, "Just look around in your free time, ask people if they've heard anything. It'll be of great help."

The students agree happily and the Professor thanks them immensely. He starts to wheel away but one of the girls asks, "Professor, what about Cerebro?"

He stops moving, biting his lips and staring at the door in front of him. "Well... Cerebro isn't of much use to me with this issue," He says and smiles sadly, then continues on to travel to his room.


He stares at the diary in his hands and smirks. He has made a quick look around his study before heading to his room for some rest.

The Professor flicks through the seemingly ancient book with a wave of happiness then takes a deep breath, while staring at the written words a few entries in.

"Alright fine," He mutters to himself and places the book on his lap before heading out through the open door. He decides that he'll start writing again, maybe he'll strike some sort of inspiration or unique point of view that could help with this new mutant problem.

Getting off his wheel chair and finding a comfortable spot on top of his bed, he lays down on his side and shuts his eyes. Slowly as minutes pass by, he realises that he's fallen asleep... in his dreams of course.

𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now