28 - 23/07/1969, WED

85 4 0

5:03 AM...

Professor Xavier drifts off while staring at the blurred trail of trees and crop, as the taxi drives at a consistently high speed towards the airport, his destination. He sighs quietly then shuts his eyes while thinking of-

"Professor, are you alright?" Hank startles him and Charles nods his head slowly.

"Yes I'm... fine, thank you," He mumbles a reply, "I hope we find her Hank. I can't afford to lose her."

"Don't worry, we'll get her back," Hank smiles softly and Charles looks to him with a glimmer of hope.

Charles returns to delve in his thoughts, wondering if Mr Jackson Parker, one of the senior students that both he and Hank fully trust and rely on would be the appropriate person to hand over the lead takeover as student caretaker. It would be the logical choice but Charles had not given the person another thought after Hank had mentioned his name...

Charles begins to wonder if our mindset and perceptions of people only rely on others' accounts of them or perhaps from one event alone... Does that mean that if Lillian did not have an underprivileged past life, Charles would feel differently for her?

Charles frowns. He dislikes thinking of Lillian in that light. He would do anything for her regardless of her past, present or future. Charles genuinely likes her from the experiences he has shared with her alone. All that has influenced his idea of-

"Airport terminal, sir," The taxi driver looks back at Charles then Hank after stopping the car and parking it by the curb. Hank gets out of the car and takes out the Professor's wheelchair firstly and helps Charles to be seated on it. While Hank and the taxi driver unload the travel luggage the car trunk, Charles sorts out the payment for the taxi ride.

Five minutes later, Hank pushes an airport trolley with three suitcases ahead to the counters while Charles glances at the various people travelling around the airport. He receives sudden waves of information, thoughts swimming through the minds of the unsuspecting. It gives him a rush of adrenaline, a sense of confidence that eventually he would be reunited with Lillian.


3:45 PM...

"Come on Hank, hurry up. We're wasting daylight," Charles calls out hastily as he moves his wheelchair towards the hotel's main revolving door. Hank rolls his eyes then grabs the room key from the reception and the map to the city.

"Professor, we have enough time to get information on Lillian. We should rest today, take it easy," Hank suggests as he puts on his sunglasses, but the Professor shakes his head, unamused. He exits the hotel then takes a deep breath, shutting his eyes and taking in the Central London essence. He feels as though this is what he has been missing out on in life... He feels at home.

The Professor glances to Hank, who is busy fumbling with the map. He chuckles, "We don't need a map, Hank. Follow me, I know exactly where to go." Hank raises an eyebrow then follows the Professor closely.

Twenty minutes later, losing their way once then getting stuck at a crowded carnival, Professor Xavier and Hank finally stumble upon the head office for events and governmental organisations.

𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕀𝕊 ~ 𝘟-𝘔𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now