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Messiah's POV

I slipped my tank top over my head and tossed it in the laundry shoot. Shit like this always happens, so I figured...Why not install a laundry room for shit like this?

I looked at Indi and saw the tears coming down her face

Fuck ...Seeing her cry..Shit makes my heart hurt

"Baby...Mamas look at me" I walked up to her and gripped her waist. She refused to look at me

I picked her up so her legs wrapped around me and sat down in my chair

I laid her head against my chest and rubbed it

"Baby...I'm sorry but stop crying and talk to me. You know I hate seeing you like this. Tell me what's wrong?"

She started to hiccup and her chin shook

"I-i-ii...I thought t-t-that was your b-blood"

I sighed and put my head back against the seat and pulled her closer to me

Today has just been all fucked.

I kissed her head and spoke against it

"Baby, I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about...I promise"

"How many people...?"

I sighed

"I don't know. Too many to count so it's all a blur now"

"Have you ever been shot?"


She nodded her head and looked up at me

Indigo...This girl...

I looked down at her and gripped her face in my hands

"I'm bullet proof baby, remember that"

I wiped the tears from her cheeks with my thumbs and kissed her lips softly

She gripped onto the back of my head and bit my bottom lip

I smiled and pulled it out of her grip

"Down girl"

She laughed and kissed my cheek

"Messiah, can we go? I just wanna go home and be with you"

I understood that

"Of course baby but lemme make this phone call first okay? Go wait in the car for me mamas"

I kissed her lips again and sent her on her way.

I watched her grab my keys and walk out of my office...

This girl is doing some shit to me. Over here acting like a soft ass nigga, when I'm not but Indigo....I feel like she's worth it

I pulled out my phone and called the only person I knew to call.

"Aye sis, I need a's for Indi"

Indigo's POV

I got in the car and sighed


I looked at the building and thought about today..

Seeing Messiah angry and stressed out scared me, but I'm not about to show that shit. Y'all probably think I'm some nice, sweet girl but I'm not, I just learned to pick my battles like a mother and grown ass woman should. But that bitch...That Hispanic hoe, yeah she crossed the line. I wanted to fuck her ass up but I'm glad Messiah stopped me. I'm far to grown to be fucking with females who don't know their place.

I laid my head against the window and imagined the blood I saw on Messiah

That's another thing, I don't mind him killing people...A man has to do what he has to do. What I was scared for, was I thought it was Messiah's blood. The thought of him being hurt..That shit scared me.

I know he told me he was bullet proof, but no one was bullet proof. I just pray that nothing happens to him

I looked up and seen Messiah coming out, with a fresh white t shirt on and a smile on his face

He hopped in the car and looked at me

"Change of plans ma. I'ma extend the date we should of had. The girls are taken care of at grandma Joss' s house. I'ma do something special for you okay."

"Messiah what have you planned?"

"Nothing you need to worry about. I'ma drop you off at the house and someone is gonna come and get you. Don't worry, I got this under control"


I just sat back and closed my eyes


"Indigo, baby wake up. We're here"

Messiah kept shaking my arm

I opened my eyes and saw his house so I got up and stretched

"I'm up now"

He smiled and kisses my forehead

"Aiight baby girl, go into the house and have fun. I'll see you later tonight for dinner"

I just nodded and got out the car and walked up to the door

Tf, I have no key

I turned around to get Messiah but his car was gone


I reached for my phone and just as I was about to click Messiah's name, the front door opened and there stood two gay guys ...

What the fuck is going on

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