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Messiah's POV

I asked-...Nah, I demanded that Indi and Lala move here. I'm not even on some controlling type shit, it's more like protective. I need them to be safe. I need my family and those I love, to be safe. There's no way around that.

Indi and Nyla have been here for a couple weeks and everything is going smoothley. We found a school that Nyla is happy and comfortable being in so that's good. Niggas still out trying me, but it's been quiet after that break in. Ion like quiet. I got my tech team tryna find out any information they can about this so called nigga that tried to fuck with what's mine.

Kam is good too. Baby girl is starting to ask questions though. She's beginning to wonder why she doesn't have a mom like Lala does. She even slipped up and called Indi "mama" one day. I wasn't at home and Indi didn't know if she should of corrected her, so I just took care of it when I got home that night.

It hurts me knowing Kam is feeling that empty feeling I felt when I was younger. It's hard not having a parent and having to watch those who do, every day. I tried the best I could to explain that Indi was Lala's mom, but also was there for Kam. She just took it as that's her mama so that's what's she's calling Indigo. I mean shit, baby girl wakes up to Indie and when I can't make it home, she's the last face that Kam sees.

I hoping this isn't fucking with baby girl's head. Indigo took it in stride though. She knows about everything with Peyton and without even having to ask her, she's been that figure for Kam.

I leaned back in my chair and released the smoke

Even though shit may seem perfect, my ass is stressed tho. I been busy af tryna find out who put those orders out and put my girls in harms way. I just needa figure out some type of information,  so far this nigga has remained untraceable and it's starting to stress me out


I looked up and watched Candice walk into my office, butt ass naked. This bitch

I sighed and took another hit before standing up

"Candice, tf do you want? You butt ass naked and in my office for what?"

She rolled her eyes and put her hand on her damn hip "Ain't nobody concerned about you, I came in here to tell you that Indigo is here and outside."

shiit,  my baby

I put my blunt out and turned back to her

"And the naked part, fuck you in here like that? We got robes for yo dumb asses, use em"

"Yeah, whatever" She turned around me so her ass was in plain sight

I leaned back against my desk and smirked

"Candice, when you gone realize these petty ass games ain't shit when compared to wh-"

"To what tf he has at home, now get yo stank pussy ass out my man's office and do what you do"

I laughed and watched Indigo walk into my office, while glaring at Candice

"Man stfu. He was hitting this stank pussy before yo weak ass popped out of no where, so it must be good. Every night bitch, remember who's pussy he laid in"

"AYE CANDICE FUCK I TELL YOU ABOUT THAT DISRESPECTFUL SHIT?!" I grabbed her by the back of her neck and pushed her ass out of my office at the same time Indigo grabbed her by her hair and repeatedly started punching her in her face

"Indigo let go of her"


Indigo moved me and flung Candice's head into the door frame

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