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Indigo's Pov

Today is the last day of me and Lala's vacation...Because in a week we'll actually be living here, with Messiah and Kam.

I know I know...Y'all thinking, INDI! TF WRONG WITH YOU! ITS TO SOON!

I'll admit, it probably is too soon, but after what Messiah told me that dude said...I can't risk my daughter's safety. I have no doubt that Lala will be safer in Cali, because Messiah is here. Plus...That day of the break in, when Messiah thought I was dead and he said that he loved me...I'm slowly falling in love with him too. I mean sllllllowwwwwllllyyyy yall.

I smiled and looked over at Messiah who was driving me and Lala to the airport.

He reached over and grabbed my hand.

"Whatcha ass smiling for?"

I laughed "Nothing babe"

"Hmm, gimme kiss"

I leaned over and kissed him on his cheek "there"

"Oh so you tryna act shy? Like yo ass wasn't all over me last night"

"Boy, shut up. That was a mutual thing"

"Then share my mutual need for a kiss before I pull this car over and spank that ass"

I rolled my eyes and leaned over and kissed him quickly.

Idk if y'all noticed, but Messiah is crazy and I'm not about to give him a reason to make a promise out of his threat

I looked back at Lala who was looking out of the window ...

I'm so happy she's safe and no harm came to her that night.

Messiah informed me of what happened after he found me. He told me when he got there, one dude was already dead...I guess I got my first body and I don't feel bad. Nigga shoulda never tried to fuck with my babies and he coulda had his life.

I leaned back against my seat and shut my eyes and eventually fell asleep...


"Alright princess I'll see you when you get back" Messiah said as he held onto Lala and kissed her head repeatedly.

I smiled and watch Nyla make a huge fuss about being kissed on.

If there is one thing anyone can say about Messiah, he's an amazing father and he tries to set a standard for his daughter and now mine.

"Bye Siah!" Nyla kissed after she finally stopped her laughing fit and kissed his cheek back.

He smiled and sat her on her feet.

She smiled and signed that she was gonna go use the bathroom

I nodded and watched as she went

"Is it bad that I see her as my youngin?"

I looked at Messiah and studied him

"..No. I'm happy she has you. If we for some reason don' out, I don't know what I'm gonna do because I feel like Lala is slowly starting to see you as her dad" I said

He arched Hus eyebrow and pulled me close by my waist and kissed my neck

"Whatcha mean? You know yo ass is sprung" he spoke against my neck

I laughed and rolled my eyes

"No, you know that ass is sprung

I told him the whole story. I mean shit, that's my best friend and yeah its killing me that I gotta leave him, but my daughter's safety comes first and always will.

Me and him drank one night and reminisced on everything that's happened to use since we met.

I swear...I'ma miss my home.

On the last night that we were there I found a box full of Lala's baby clothes, baby pictures of Lala, Angel, and me...

I need to ask Messiah if he can maybe track down my baby brother

I started crying because I really need my brother back. He's my backbone. I cried because my daughter's life is no longer gonna be peaceful. I cried because I realized I loved a man, and danger came with him like a package deal.

I climbed into bed and wished that Messiah was there to hold me...

I grabbed my phone and called his number

When I heard his voice, my heart finally started beating normally

"Hey baby girl...I couldn't sleep either"

I smiled "I'm just ready to be there with you again. I miss my baby girl and Lala misses Kam too."

"We miss you too baby, but get some sleep. You gotta flight at 5 in the morning."


"Yeah gorgeous?"

"Go to sleep with me on the phone, please?"

I heard movement and knew he was turning his body to lay on his stomach

"Of course baby, now close your eyes"

I did and got comfortable

"I love you Messiah.." I whispered and looked at the phone. I felt so damn vulnerable....

"I love you too Indigo. Sweet dreams baby"

That night I fell asleep with nothing but the future as my dreams

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