News for Indi

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Indigo's POV

I heard voices around me. One was sighing and one in particular was yelling.

"How tf could this of happened!!! Where are they!"

"Nahi,  we don't know. We gotta find Messiah but that nigga is MIA. When I found Indi she was passed out, with her fuckin stomach on the damn ground. I got enough as it is. I don't need yo ass yelling at me like I'm fucking 3. That's my damn Goddaughter that's gone!"

"She's my fucking niece!!! You need to get on yo shit and look for her and Nyla!!! They're kids Dante!  CHILDREN!!"

I slowly started to open my eyes and blinked to clear them. What I saw made me confused as fuck.

I saw Anahi turn her body around and start to walk out the door but Dante grabbed her waist and pulled her against his body

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head "look ma I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I'm just stressed. I'ma find them. Messiah and I will find them"

I heard Anahi sign and then put her head back against Dante's chest. I also saw the tears.

"No I'm sorry. I'm just....worried. I don't know where anyone is and I'm freaking out. You called me and now I'm here but there isn't a got damn thing I can do"

Dante brushed his lips against Anahi's and rubbed her back "you can go to my house and do whatever females do to get their heads right. Meet me back here when your done. We can go look for Messiah and I'll have people here to watch over Indi. I got this baby"

"Okay...I love you Dante"

"I love you too Nahi,  now go"

Before she could leave I cleared my throat and they both looked at me

"Uh, tf are y'all niggas doing? Since when did this happen?  Anahi I've known you for 5 years and I've never known yo ass to have a nigga. Fuck is going on?"

Dante just shook his head and mumbled "Nigga was knocked and now she interrogating a nigga"

"Indi..." Anahi came up to the side of the bed " just rest and I'll be back. You don't need to worry about what I'm doing..You gotta focus on getting better and finding Lala and Kam"

I looked up at her and my world shattered. Again.

Oh no no. No no no no no

My babies...

I felt the tears rush down my face.

Dante stood there, tryna figure out how to react and Nahi got into my bed and held me while I cried.

She put her head on mine and whispered

"It's gonna be okay Indigo. That's our family and no one will stop until the girls are safety back home. You gotta be strong though. You have too baby girl. They need you to be strong "

I nodded and clung to her.

I needed something to live for and being strong for them was the only thing I could think of

"Knock knock"

Someone in a white lab coat walked in and smiled....Then frowned "is everything okay Ms. Rahal?"

I just looked at her.

Dante shuffled his feet and sighed

"She's good. What's up Doc?"

The doctor came up to me and rubbed my back while Nahi rocked me

I flinched and moved away from her

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