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Indigo's POV

I laid in bed as Nahi slept peacefully. She went to sleep some time ago, but I can't sleep. I'm nervous for some reason..Like someone I love is in danger.

I sighed and got up from the bed.

I walked into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. I lifted up my shirt and looked at my baby bump.

It's been a little over 5 weeks since I found out I was pregnant, so I'm a little over 4 months now.

I started rubbing my stomach

"Hey baby.." I whispered

"I know things have been crazy and you weren't planned.."

Tears slid down my cheeks

"But I want you to know you have a mommy and daddy who love you very much. I know you probably hear everything that's going on..You don't understand why I'm always yelling and crying, but it's not you baby, I promise."

I wrapped my arms around my belly

"You are my blessing, whether I realized that at first or not. You are mommy's blessing baby. I love you baby" I cooed to my baby.

With everything going on I've forgotten to be there for my unborn baby.

I miss my daughter's so much, it hurts. And I pray the boys got the girls and they're safe but I have to remember I'm pregnant and this baby needs me also.

I kept rubbing my belly until I heard my phone ringing

I hurried and picked it up so it wouldn't bother Nahi


"Aye, Indigo? This is Quan..Uh, we've met before"

"Yeah hi Quan...What's wrong?"

"Just hurry to the hospital."

"What do you mean? Did you find my girls?!?!"

I put the phone against my shoulder so I could slip on my black leggings and boots. I slipped on Messiah's Last Kings Hoodie and pulled my hair into a ponytail.

"We found them...But some shit happened. Look get to the hospital. We're at Memorial"

My heart sped up but then stopped when he said something happened.

I hung up the phone and raced over to Nahi.


She groaned and woke up

"Damn Indi,  what?"

"They found them..We gotta go to the hospital"


Nahi hopped outta bed and slipped on her shoes, not even bothering with changing from her booty shorts and tank top

I ran as fast as my belly would allow me down stairs and grabbed the keys.

We were driving down the road in less then 3 minutes.

So many things were running through my head. Were my babies okay? Was the team okay?...Was Messiah okay?

I felt my eyes burn with that last thought and Nahi grabbed my hand

"Don't worry...It's okay"

I nodded and drove faster.

The ride there was silent...

When we got there I seen Jay standing at the entrance waiting for us

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