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Indigo's POV

A couple of days after the night me and Messiah had sex, he was called into work when us and the girls were at the park. Of course I got frustrated,  but then again, ever since that night he's really been trying to spend more time with us while Lala and I are down here. I'm trying not to be selfish..But my feelings have grown for that light skinned nigga and now I just want him at the house with us.

That night...It was special. And yes my feelings for him, it's more then just a little ass crush. Idk. I'm still scared..

Messiah dropped us off, kissed the girls, and left.

The girls wanted to swim so I put Kam's floaties on and led them outside so they could swim

Lala and Kam are getting along great. If you see one, you'll always see the other. Kam is started to pick up sign language quickly and it's funny because she ALWAYS asks how to say this or that. Lala is starting to open up and I think she's getting attached to Kam and Messiah..

I just pray Messiah doesn't fuck this up

I watched the girls swim around and splash each other with their floaties on and I just smiled. Kam is such a sweet little girl. She's just like Lala when she was her age.

"Hey girls, I'll be right back. Stay in the shallow end!" I had to get Lala's attention before I signed/told them

They laughed and nodded while sitting on the steps at  the shallow end of the pool and I got up and walked in the house

I went to the kitchen and started making dinner when I heard the door unlock and open up

Ooooo, my baby's home!

I ran to the front of the house while smiling

I turned the corner and stopped dead in my tracks...

Three dudes stood there, covered in black and were walking off in different directions

I hurried up and hide behind the wall and listened

"My nigga we got 2 minutes. In and out or its our ass" one of the men said.

I slowly looked and saw all three take guns out of the back of their pants

My breathe stopped and I looked toward the backyard

The girls!


I slowly tip toed towards the back door and when I reached it I yanked open the door and ran towards the pool.

They were splashing and laughing with no care in the world and my heart squeezed at the realization that their perfect little world was about to blow up.

Before they could even stop splashing I scooped up  Kam and she screamed her little laugh with delight while I roughly grabbed Lala's hand and pulled her alongside me as I ran.

I didn't have time for questions. I just need them to be safe.

"kam baby, I need you to be quiet okay? Don't say anything okay?" I said as I looked at Kam.

She nodded slowly and popped her bottom lip out

I leaned down and kissed Lala's head as I slipped through the door and gripped her hand tighter.

I looked across the room and watched as one of the guys completely and utterly destroyed the whole kitchen.

Move Indi!

I slowly looked at Kam and made the shh sound with my lips.

She looked terrified but she nodded and put her hands over her mouth.

I looked at Lala and signed the word


She nodded and turned towards the stairs and bulted.

I took one last loo-

"AYE NIGGAS THEY IN HERE!!!" The guy screamed and at that exact moment, so did Kamryn.

I held on to Kam as tightly as possible and took off after Lala who was already at the top of the stairs and headed towards Messiah's office.

I heard the men coming up the stairs and in that moment was the first time that I ever wished my daughter wasn't deaf.

I saw the confusion on her face as she opened the office door and tears streaming down her face.

I pushed the girls into Messiah's office and locked the door behind me before they started beating on the door and yelling for me to open it

Kam started crying and asking for her Daddy.

I picked her up and grabbed Lala's hand and got underneath the desk and pulled them close

Kam, who could hear everything was crying hard and buried her face into my neck while clinging to me

Lala, who couldn't hear, was looking up at me confused with tears slowly falling out of fear. I just pulled her against me and kissed her head.

Messiah, please. Where are you?

I jumped when I heard gunshots go off and the guys arguing before they fired off into the door and started trying to break it down

I just closed my eyes and prayed. I prayed for the little girls in my arms. I prayed for myself. And lastly I prayed for the niggas who were doing this because once Messiah finds out, they're dead and it's straight like that.

"Babies, you gotta be a solider okay? You gotta be strong okay?"

I got their attention before I told Lala to keep Kam close and protect her and I'll be right back

I got from under the desk and searched around the room for a phone while the dudes were still screaming

I swear I almost jumped for joy when I found a phone and I dialed Messiah's number

He answered on 5

"I know I know-...wait Indi, who tf is that screaming?!"

"Messiah! Don't ask questions just get here! Please! The girls are scared and I don't know what to fucking do!!"

"Look, get the girls and by the couch there's a door on the floor. Put in 223. It's Kam's birthday. It leads to the basement. Get in it and get the gun behind the couch. I'm getting in the car now. GO"

He hung up and I threw the phone, got the girls and entered the number right before the door busted down and 2 dudes rushed in.

I panicked and shoved the girls through the door and shut it and grabbed the gun

I hide behind the couch and prayed

"Man, where tf is this bitch?  There ain't a gotdamn thing so let's just leave"

The trap house is 20 minutes away...And I know Messiah is speeding so I pray he gets here in 10 or less.

Messiah hurry, baby please

I wiped the tears from my eyes and tried to stay quiet

"Man iight,  but lemme check something"

I heard him walk closer and I put my hand over my mouth...

Why do I feel like that scared little girl I use to be?

All of a sudden the couch moved and I started screaming and shooting the gun all over the place. Blood splattered all over me and the wall behind me

I heard yelling and feet running up the stairs..

I heard someone scream my name..

Right before I passed out

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