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Messiah's POV

I watched baby girl break down in front of me. I knew this shit would upset her but she had the right to know her father was out of jail and he did all this shit.

When I woke up I needed to see Yoda so i told his ass to get in there. He told me he did what i asked and Angel Senior is at the trap in the basement. I wasn't even worried about getting to him, I needed to get my family straight first.


I watched her.

When she looked up at me, I knew I was looking at the little girl she use to be.

"But...he's suppose to be in jail."

I sighed and tried to reach for her.

She grabbed onto me and I pulled her against me

"I know it's hard but I got you baby girl. That nigga will get what he deserves, promise that. I just thought you would want to see him..Talk to him. Get what you need to out, before I slice his ass up and fed em to the dogs."

She just stared off into space before nodding her head slowly

"It would be for the best right?" she whispered "to tell him how much he hurt me?"

I sighed, kissed her head, then laid it against my chest

"Indi you know everything I went through. You know how my father introduced me to the game and drugs. You know how he beat my moms and she allowed the shit..You know all that. What I'm saying is I wish I had the opportunity to tell them niggas how I feel, but I can't. I don't want you to be half ass anymore, I want you to live with no hesitation you feel me ma?"

She nodded and sniffled. 

I fought through the pain and wrapped her up in my arms. 

Fuck pain. I know I've been fucking up but I'll go to war for this girl. 

I held her and let her fall apart. There's no point in her keeping all this shit in. None at all. 

I started to shut my eyes and I felt her move from my arms

"Where's Yoda? I need to see him, like now."

I looked over at her and shook my head

"I ain't letting you near that nigga until I get tf up outta this bed. Speaking of that, help me out this bed so I can get back to business."

I grabbed the side of the bed and sat up all the way while groaning.

"Messiah, do you hear yourself? You can't even sit up without hurting. Lay ya ass back down"

I looked at her and then stood up all the way.

"Pain only lasts for a minute. Hand me my pants"

She sighed and sat down in the chair.

"Since you wanna be an asshole and not let me see this nigga and then disrespect my orders, in my damn face, get ya own damn pants."

I sighed and looked at the long ass distance to my pants.

Man wtf

"I'll wait" She said as she crossed her legs

"Man Indi stop fucking playing and give my shit. I hate hospitals and I'm tryna see my girls"

She rolled her eyes at me and stayed seated

"I'm more then sure yo crippled ass can wait"

I glared at her

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