Chapter 3- When Stones Collide

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Saturday, April 6, 06:45pm

Draco barely managed to hold himself up as a chair forcefully collided with his hip. He ended up grabbing on to Pansy's arm as she was walking with him to the loo.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry!" He heard a female voice say

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING, YOU FILTHY MUDBLOOD!" Pansy screamed with venom in her voice.

The whole room went quite. You could hear a pin drop in the deathly silence. Draco realized then who had hit him with the chair. She did apologize so he didn't really see why Pansy was being a bitch about it. It's not like she was the one who was struck suddenly.

"I said I was sorry! There is no need for name calling! It's not like I did it on purpose!" He heard Granger almost shout.

He rubbed his bruised hip and took notice of Granger's friends suddenly surrounding around her like a pack of wolves protecting their pup. Starting a fight with them was the last thing he wanted tonight. He decided then that it was best to try and defuse the situation as quick as possible. His image was on the line and he couldn't afford something like this bringing it down.

"Whoa! Pansy, that was uncalled for, even for you, especially at an event like this! STOP embarrassing me!" Draco pleaded the last line through his clench teeth. He turned toward the girl who had hit him with her chair.


He didn't really know what he wanted to say. He didn't want to be too nice as he still hated her but he didn't want to be mean either since that would make him look bad. Everyone was looking at him now waiting to see how he handled this situation. He honestly couldn't think of anything so he just looked at her.

'She looked even prettier up close. There was no denying that she grew into her looks... in a good way.'

'Oh for fuck sake!' he thought 'stop looking at her!'


If Pansy wasn't angry before, she was most definitely was now.

"HOW DARE YOU? HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT AND IN FRONT OF THIS MUDBLOOD!" she yelled waving her hands frantically in the air. The whole room let out a gasp.

"Oh please Pansy. Grow up!" Hermione chimed in.

Draco saw her take a step putting her directly between himself and Pansy. "Stop using that word! The war is over and your side lost just stop! Your words are being wasted anyway. NO ONE CARES!"

She turned towards Draco. She looked like she was about to say something, when he saw Pansy's face go bright red. He knew she was about to do something. Thanking Salazar that her wand was still sitting on the table, he knew the only thing she could do was something physical to the Gryffindor standing in front of him. Draco put his left hand up to try and move Granger out of the way. He didn't know why he did it. It felt more like instinct. His body was reacting before his brain had time to process. As soon as his arm went to reach for the girl, he found out just what Pansy was capable of.

It happened too fast. Pansy pushed her... and boy did she push her hard. His left hand was forced back into his chest as a stunned Granger fell into him. Her right hand, hit his left shoulder with enough force to knock him off balance. With her left hand trapped between them, they fell to the ground. He felt his watch hit something when they landed. A bright red flash lit up the room making everyone shield their eyes.

That's the last thing he remembered before feeling like he was being sucked into an infinite vortex.


Saturday, April 6, 2001 06:45pm

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry!" Hermione was frantic. She really didn't mean to hit anyone with her chair.

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING, YOU FILTHY MUDBLOOD!" Pansy screamed with venom in her voice.

Hermione was taken back. That's the last thing she expected to hear. That word! And at an event like this. How dare Pansy say that? And how dare she yell it in a room full of people? She thought since the war ended people would stop using that insult. Her blood wasn't dirty. She bled red just like everyone else.

She noticed how eerily quiet the room got. Everyone was looking at her. She assumed they were all waiting to see what she would say. Her friends all stood up in unison and made their way over to her, surrounding her in protection. She didn't want a fight. She didn't have the energy for one. After everything she went through in the past 11 months, a fight with two Slytherins, was the last thing she needed. After what felt like hours, she composed herself and looked Pansy dead in the eyes.

"I said I was sorry! There is no need for name calling! It's not like I did it on purpose!" She almost shouted. She was angry now. All shock gone from her system. The energy to fight back came out of nowhere. Pansy had no right and she was going to let her know. Before she could utter another comment she heard the person she hit with her chair speak.

"Whoa! Pansy, that was uncalled for, even for you, especially at an event like this! STOP embarrassing me!" she heard Malfoy plead.

Shock came right back and hit her square in the face. Never in her life would she have expected Draco Malfoy to stand up for her. Not that he was really standing up for her though. She assumed he just said it to maintain his image. She also thought that maybe it was because the whole world knew how much Malfoy wanted to be rid of Pansy. Well, all the world, except Pansy.

She stared at him. She couldn't bring herself to look away. He turned to her and she could see the storm brewing in his beautiful grey eyes.

'Shit...wait...what...stop looking at his eyes'


At a loss for all words, she continued to stare at him. He was staring at her too. It was like their eyes locked on to each other and held on for dear life. She was only shaken from the hold when she heard Pansy scream in her ear.


"HOW DARE YOU? HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT AND IN FRONT OF THIS MUDBLOOD!" she yelled waving her hands frantically in the air. The whole room let out a gasp.Pansy sure knew how to throw a temper tantrum, But Hermione wasn't having it. She wasn't going to let her night be ruined by a pug nosed bimbo. Gathering up her Gryffindor courage she turned towards Pansy.

"Oh please Pansy. Grow up!" Hermione chimed.

She took a step forward that put her directly between Malfoy and Pansy. She wanted to make sure the wench heard every word she was saying. "Stop using that word! The war is over and your side lost just stop! Your words are being wasted anyway. NO ONE CARES!"

She turned around forgetting for a moment that Malfoy was standing right behind her. She went to apologize again for hitting him with her chair when she saw his face go flat. He reached out his hand as if to touch her. Her brain buzzed at the confusion on why Malfoy would voluntarily touch her but she didn't get to finish that thought before she felt two hands roughly push on her back.

Not being able to get her footing in heels, she fell into Malfoy...hard. Her right hand reaching out to grab the only thing available, which just so happened to be his shoulder. She guessed the force of the impact was a lot stronger then she originally thought, because she saw him lose his balance and fall backwards. She stretched out her hand to grab his jacket to stop him from falling but it wasn't enough. The momentum of the fall dragged them both down. His left arm, that reached out earlier, was now pinned in between them. She felt her bracelet hit something hard as they landed. A bright flash of red light lit up the room.

Hermione doesn't remember what happened next. All she could think of was how sick she felt; tumbling through what she could only be describe as a tornado.

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