Chapter 24- Come Back To Me

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"Afterward, the seven hundred people in the boats had nothing to do but wait: wait to die, wait to live, wait for an absolution which would never come."

-Old Rose (Titanic-1997)

Monday April 15th, 1912 02:29am

Draco kicked as hard as he could as he tried to swim against the suction of the ship. His body twisted and turned and he no longer knew which way was up. He kept kicking though as he held the hand of the women he swore to protect. But his grip was too weak and the suction too strong. The women's hand broke from his grasp as she was pulled into the depth of the ocean with the ship. He didn't have time to mourn her however, his lung felt like they were going to explode; he couldn't breath and the ship was still pulling at him. He swam with everything he had left. Finally, reaching the surface, he took in a large breathe. People around him where frantic, calling out for the boats to come back and he didn't blame them in the slightest. The water was painfully cold there was nothing, no one, willing to save them.

He had to get away from the crowd so he began to swim in the direction of the life boats; hoping that at least one would come back.

'If he was far enough away from the crowd then it was less likely that a boat would be swarmed and he could be saved.'

However the likelihood was slim and the crowd began to drift making it harder for him to get away. He was tired and his left arm was killing him. He didn't have his life vest on so the strength he needed to stay afloat was becoming more and more difficult.

Someone had grabbed onto him and pushed him under water. Fighting and kicking he managed to surface but was instantly pushed back under again. He thought he was done for. He couldn't swim away and he couldn't fight the person drowning him. He kept kicking to resurface but the person had a tight grip on him. He was starting to give up. His lungs were about to burst and he started blacking out but once they realized though, that the body they were trying to use as a floatation device was not going to save them, they let go and swam off. Draco quickly snapped out of his blackened daze and swam as hard as he could to the surface, taking in as much air as he could muster.

He found a French door floating a few feet away from him so he swam to it and rested his arms on it for a moment, to catch his breath. He was tired, drained, and in pain. The water was so cold; it felt like a thousand knives stabbing him all over. He knew that he needed to get out.

He though back to the night of his and Hermione's date, when they dipped their feet into the freezing water. That temperature was nothing compared to what he was feeling now. He suddenly remembered Hermione joke about not keeping her feet in the water for long because she didn't want to get hypothermia. Knowing it was serious, he quickly tried to put himself on top of the door.

It almost flipped on top of him the first time he tried, but the second time, he was successful. He laid himself back on the door and let out a deep breath. He was about to grab his wand and cast a warming spell but suddenly realized, his wand was in his jacket.

'He put his jacket on Hermione before being swept away in the corridor. How could he be so stupid as to not take his wand out first?'

He was shivering now as the people around him screamed out and grabbed onto whatever floating debris they could. But there was nothing he could do. So he just laid there soaking wet and blistering cold.


Hermione looked on in absolute shock as Titanic began her final descent to her grave. The exact scene that played out in front of her, was so much like the nightmare she had had before they boarding the doomed ship, except that it was Draco experiencing it, not her. He was still on there and she knew of the power of the suction a ship that size could create. He would drown alone and she couldn't help him.

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