Chapter 23- To Drown Alone

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Song choice (you know where)- Near My God To Thee.

This chapter is a little shorter than the rest but it is still worth the read...I think. Better break out your tissues though! Things are about to get real emotional. I teared up just writing it lol.

Chapter 23- To Drown Alone

Monday April 15th, 1912 01:45am

Aquila pulled Hermione back away from the rushing water. Draco had just been swept away and she was scared; they both were. She couldn't see him anymore; she didn't know whether he was dead or alive. She screamed out his name but he didn't reply. She was crying now and Aquila kept pulling her back.

"We have to get to a boat Hermione! He'll be fine. He is a strong lad and will make it through, but we won't, if we don't go now!" Aquila shouted over the loud noise of the water rushing by.

Hermione couldn't speak. She waited for Draco to pop up around the corner but he didn't. Aquila tugged her hard, to get her to follow but she stood her ground. She didn't want to move. She needed to see him; she needed to make sure he was okay.

'She can't leave without him.'

"No! I can't leave him! DRACO!" She yelled out, pulling her arm out of Aquila's grip.

She started sobbing again. She was defeated. She needed him.

"Please... Please come back." She whispered through her tears that slowly slide down her cheeks.

Aquila quickly pulled her into a hug and squeezed tight. She let out a loud snob into the woman's garments but Aquila didn't seem to care. She hugged her tighter before pulling back and cupped a hand on Hermione's face and looked her dead in the eyes.

"He will be okay, I promise you. Malfoy's won't let a little water beat them down." she spoke calmly "We need to go, okay? He would want you to survive this."

Hermione nodded her head and quickly wiped away her tears still not wanting to leave, but knew she had no choice. Aquila grabbed her hand and led her out of the stairwell. Once they made it to the upper deck, about fifteen minutes later, they noticed it was in chaos. People were screaming and running around trying to find a way off the ship.

There were a few boats left on the port side, about a third of the way from the stern of the ship, close to the Bridge Deck. The water had not made it yet to one of the life boats but it was getting closer and closer. Aquila rushed past a bunch of people to get to it. She looked at the officers guarding it from people trying to swarm it and ran to one of the men. Hermione couldn't hear what she was saying, but the man nodded and waved his hand to tell her to come.

Aquila ran back to Hermione and grabbed her hand.

"They have some open spots. Come on let's go." She announced.

She started pulling her in the direction of the boat. She stepped in and turned around; reaching back to help Hermione in. Suddenly Robert came running up.

"Hermione! Aquila! Thank God you are both okay." He shouted over the noise of the people as he hugged Hermione tightly.

"Robert!" Hermione yelled out, hugging him back. "Where is Dimitra? Is she okay?"

"She is fine! She was place in a boat!...I need to get to her Hermione! I...I can't have her be alone! Please... Help me get back to her! "He admitted loudly with a distraught face.

Hermione nodded her head and turned back to Aquila. She nodded her head in understanding and reached her hand out to Robert. He quickly brushed past the officers who were distracted by the crowd. The officers apparently no longer cared about the woman and children first rule, as the life boat held numerous men in it, all jammed together; including, one Mr. Ismay.

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