Chapter 28- You Have a Friend in Me

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Saturday, April 6th, 2001 10:18pm

Blaise closed the office door before turning around to face Draco and Hermione with the rest of their friends. Draco stood behind Hermione as his two friends eyed him skeptically. Harry and Ginny had moved closer the couple but dare not say anything. Theo looked around at the group in confusion as Blaise rested his back to the wall by the door with a lifted foot and crossed arms.

"So," Theo began breaking the awkward silence. "I just first want to start off by saying that that was one hell of a speech Draco! Did not see that coming at all; total surprise! But besides that, as awesome as it was to see your mother smack Pansy, not only once but twice! Why the hell did she do it?"

"And why did she say that it was for Pansy almost getting you killed?" Blaise added with a raised brow.

Draco let out a deep breath as he removed his hands from his fiancée's shoulders and took a seat on the edge of the desk.

"You guys might want to sit down for this." He gestured towards the two empty chairs.

"I'll stand thanks." Blaise retorted not moving from the wall.

Theo nodded his head in agreement and remained where he was. Draco watched as Hermione moved aside and placed herself on the desk next to him. Harry and Ginny conjured two chairs for themselves and sat down as they waited for the tale to begin. Draco looked back to his two friends and let out another deep breath.

"Okay...So you see these stones?" He began as he pointed to his watch and Hermione's bracelet. "They are known as Time Stones, extremely rare. When connected, they throw the users, back in time."

Draco continued to tell his friends about the stones and a brief description of their journey before Blaise interrupted with a raised hand.

"So, what you are saying is that you two are soulmates and you both traveled back to 1912 for two weeks, fell in love, survived a disaster on a muggle ship in the middle of the ocean, after you met your ancestors who helped you get out of your marriage contract by changing their Will?" he asked doubtfully.

"Yes, that is exactly what we are saying." Hermione responded gently.

"Horseshit! I don't believe you. Don't get me wrong though; after witnessing Draco almost melt in amazement when he saw you entered the room, I figured he had some feelings for you, but that just sounds like a load of rubbish. How is someone from the past allowed to write out a Will to someone not even born at that time?"

"Trust me Zabini," Harry chimed in. "we didn't believe it at first either and there is no law against it. There are plenty of Seers who do it to this day. Aquila might not have been a seer but technically, the Ministry doesn't know that. Seers weren't required to let the government know of their gift until the late sixties."

"I am still so confused." Theo added as he shook his head at the floor before looking up at Draco. "Why didn't we know you were gone then if you were stuck in 1912 for two weeks? This makes no sense. I have to agree with Blaise on this one; it sounds like a made up story."

Kingsley raised his finger in the air and spoke before anyone else had a chance to say anything. The group jumped in fear for a second, forgetting that he was even still in the room.

"If I may?" He asked politely. "Maybe we should show them the memories...if it's alright with you two?"

"Memories? What memories?" Blaise questioned as he removed himself from the wall.

Draco nodded his head to the Minister, who moved out of the corner he was standing and Harry stood up to walk over to the Pensieve. He ushered the two men to follow as he brought out the memories from his jacket.

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