Chapter 25- New York, NY

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90% of this chapter is smut...ENJOY!

Thursday, April 18th, 1912 09:30pm

Draco stood on the deck of the Carpathia as it pulled into New York. The three day journey was difficult as the ship encountered fog, ice, rough seas, and thunderstorms, but they finally made it. It was now rainy and it was cold, but it was nothing compared to the icy waters of the Atlantic, as Titanic sank from under him. He leaned over and rested his arms on the rail. He looked out to the calm sea and watched as the Statue of Liberty came into view.

'He had never been to America before, although he had always wanted to. Never in his life, did he think that he would feel this happy to be in another country. It wasn't even because it was the United States that made him elated. It was the fact that he was finally going to be on land. He never wanted to be on another ship again; not after what he experienced. However he would make sure that once they were home, a law was passed that made sure proper procedures were in place and there was always more than enough life boats...for everyone on board. He never wanted to see or hear of another repeat of Titanic, ever again.'

Hermione had walked up to him and lightly touched his arm, interrupting his thoughts. He turned to her and smiled. She was holding a black umbrella over her gorgeous brown curly hair. Her dress was light blue with white shash that wrapped around her torso and Draco never thought that she looked more beautiful than she did now.

'If there was one thing Titanic taught him, it was to never take life or anyone for granite. He had always looked down on those he thought was beneath him, including Hermione. He even criticized his father for the charity events he held, but he understood. He would treat everyone, including muggle-borns, with the highest honor. The deserved just as much right to be in the wizarding community as anyone. He now saw the world at a completely different angle...he felt, almost free.'

Remember the quote Hermione said to him in the bathroom on the second day stuck in the past, he let out a small chuckle.

'Hermione's words never rang more true.'

"What? What's so funny?" She asked confused as she looked up at him.

"Let go of the past, but keep the lessons it taught you." He replied with a smile.

" remember?" she asked somewhat shocked.

"I will never forget."

He took the umbrella from her and placed it over the both of them. They stared out to the ocean and watched in silence as the Carpathia passed by the giant Statue of Liberty. The Statue, that stood for freedom.


Carpathia pulled into White Star Line pier to drop off Titanic's lifeboats before sailing onward, with the help of small boats, to Cunard pier where passengers aboard began to disembark. About forty thousand people were standing on the dock when Carpathia arrived. Draco could see the people's heartbroken faces as some realized their loved ones were not getting off to greet them.

Most of the survivors were taken to hospitals to be treated for their injuries that could not be taken care of on board, while others like himself and Hermione were sent to hotels or their home towns to stay with family. Draco looked around the crowded dock and noticed a large group of third class passengers looking around with sulking faces.

"They have nowhere to go." Hermione expressed sadly. "They are in a new country, without a penny to their name. They are homeless and broke."

Draco squeezed her arm tightly, knowing there was nothing he could do to help the lower class citizens. If it wouldn't change the timeline, he would have given them all the money he had on him, but he couldn't.

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