Chapter 2- Charity Ball

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Saturday, April 6th, 2001 06:03pm

Draco and his parents apparated in front of the large iron gates which led to the oldest estate in the history of the Malfoy family. Located in Southampton, the estate had been around for centuries dating back to the medieval times. It was renovated in 1349 after the first outbreak of the Black Plague ended. It has stayed the same ever since. There, to the east and west, were connecting towers that gave off the Renaissance feel Draco loved so much. The long pathway that led to the massive castle; that was simply known as 'The Castle'; had charmed floating candles to light the way. It wasn't as big as Hogwarts, but it was definitely up there. The two story French doors in the front already had guests lining up with invitations to enter.

As Draco entered he noticed just how antique the inside really was. The last time he stepped foot into The Castle, he was a child. During that time he didn't really care to appreciate the beauty of the ancient and historical architecture. Making his way to the Great Hall he noticed some famous painting that only the Malfoys owned. Most of them muggle painters like Claude Monet and Jan Vermeer.

He entered the Great Hall, looking around at the hundreds of people already in attendance. The hall was much larger than the one in Hogwarts and it was known to host the most lavish of feasts throughout history.

He spotted Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson chatting away at one of the tables near the front. Draco straightened his tie and walked over to the duo. As he reached them he could already smell the too strong of perfume Pansy was wearing. It burned his nose and had choked him enough to want to turn back. He chose, instead, to muster through and tell his friends hello. But before he could get a word out Pansy saw him. She stopped mid-sentence and leapt onto him. Her long arms wrapping around his neck, pushed his face closer to her. He had to stop a cough that was forming in his throat from the retched perfume stench.

"Drakey-Poo, oh I missed you so much!" she yelled in his ear.

'Great, this is how I die,' he thought. 'Suffocating from that horrid smell I don't even want to try to identify, while being deaf and hugged too tightly. Maybe this is a good thing, maybe it can get me out of this bloody speech? '

"Hello Pansy." He put his hands on her waste and calmly pushed her off of him, allowing himself to breathe a little more efficiently. "How are you?"

"I'm great, now that you're here! This party is such a bore. Maybe you can give me a tour of the castle..." she looked around mischievously.


It wasn't so much a question as it was a statement.

"I've been dying to check out a bedroom... or two... with you." She winked and slipped a gloved arm around his neck again and stared into his grey eyes with an aroused look on her face.

Draco was in the need of a good shag. It had been too long. But as tempting as it was to whisk Pansy off to a secluded bedroom, he thought better of it. She did look good in her Slytherin green, spaghetti strapped evening gown. The bust of her chest was showing a little...okay a lot more... than was deemed appropriate. But he had more important things to attend to. He also didn't think he could get it up if he had to smell that bloody perfume any longer than necessary. His eyes were already starting to tear up from being in such a close proximity to it.

"Maybe later" he suggested. "I just got here and-" He started to say, but was interrupted by Blaise and Theo making their way over to him.

"Hey Draco!" Theo said as he peeked around Pansy. "Salazar! What is that horrid smell?" he scrunched his face. "It smells like a burnt hooker that just ate some cherry ice cream... oh hi Pansy."

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