Chapter 26- Past meet Present

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Friday, April 19th, 1912 10:47am

Draco stood outside the office of the Minister of Magic in America, pacing back and forth as Hermione talked to the Minister about gaining an international port key. They had agreed to tell the Minister and only him about being stuck in the past so they could get the port key quickly. Minister Archer Evermonde, wanted proof of the time jump, so he asked one of them to show him their memories. Deciding it was best to not show the government official Draco's memories due to his death eater status, he was ushered outside the office to wait.

It felt like hours to him, even though it was only fifteen minutes or so, before the Ministers' secretary opened the door and ushered him back in the room. Draco looked around the large office before his eyes rested on Hermione's hands. She was holding a muggle fountain pen that laid on a small piece of fabric.

"Now Miss. Granger, Mr. Malfoy." The Minister began as he looked over his spectacles. "I know that you both know how a port key works. It will not place you directly into The Castle, but it will place you just outside of its gates. From what I know of the stones, once you connect them they will automatically disappear and go back to which they came. The stones of the past will return to the original owners and the stones of your present will go back into the item in which it was placed. I wish you both, all the luck on your journey home. It has been a pleasure to meet you both and I do hope your timeline was not disturbed."

"Thank you Minister. We really appreciate your kindness." Hermione stated softly.

With that he nodded his head and walked out of the office. Draco turned to Hermione as she set the pen gently on the table. She reached into her bag and started pulling out the clothes they wore the night of the ball.

"We need to change back into our original clothes." She began as she handed him his black suite.

Once they were both dressed and she fixed her hair and makeup, transfigured their shoes back to their original state and then reached into her bag once more. She pulled out her jewelry and began to put in her diamond drop earrings. She handed Draco his watch and he studied it for a minute.

'Who could have thought that this meaningless watch could have helped him learn to love?'

He placed the watch on his left wrist and began to help Hermione put her bracelet on. As he clasped it closed he held on to her wrist and studied the accessory.

"You look beautiful in red. Did I ever tell you that?" he asked not looking away from the bracelet.

She shook her head no as he looked up at her.

"Well you do. And I thought that when I first saw you enter though the Hall doors. I cursed myself for thinking it, but now..." he trailed off. "Did I ever tell you, that you also have the most addictive caramel eyes?"

"Draco?" She interrupted. "What are you doing?"

"I love you Hermione. And I want to tell you everything I promised myself I wouldn't say to you, back when I thought I still hated you. I realized I never actually hated you. You were annoying, yes, and you got under my skin with your constant 'always need to be right' attitude. But you fought back against me. You always did. You never shied away from a fight and its one of the reasons I love you so much."

She placed a finger on his lips and kissed him. She pulled away after a second and looked at him in the eye.

"Draco, I can't do this. I can't say goodbye to you. I won't do it...Let's just not do it, okay? Let's just remember the time we had together and not say goodbye. Please? It's too hard for me."

1912 Present meet Past *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now