Chapter 6- Lost and Found

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Sunday, April 7, 1912 09:43am

'That's just fucking great! Nothing seems to be going well in the slightest.' Draco thought.

Tired of thinking about it, he backed off the counter he was leaning on, grabbed one of the apples Granger placed in front of him earlier, and started to walk off.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"To search the place." He declared while spinning around to face her. He took a single bite from the juicy green apple and resumed. "If everything you just said is true then there isn't anything we can do about until we find the stones. My father said the stone was supposed to bring luck to the wearer," 'A lot of bloody good it's done me.' "But no one knew its true significance. It has been passed through the family for generations so its real purpose must have gotten lost over time, I guarantee you the one I had, is either here or at the Manor."

Turning on his heels he started making his way back to the entrance of the kitchen.

"Brilliant!" he heard her exclaim as she followed him out of the pantry.

The duo found some clothing in the closet of the bedroom they were staying in and changed out of their formal wear; putting their old outfits into Granger's extendable handbag. They also decided to hide their valuables in the bag for safe keeping since the accessories were too modern looking.

The clothes were simple, made of high end silk. The clothing was most definitely relaxation outfits made for first class citizens, which pleased Draco's ego. Granger dressed in the bathroom and came out wearing a plain, short-sleeved, cream colored, floor length dress, with dark brown buttons framing the whole left side of the gown, keeping it closed. She looked nice; almost like she was made for era. The dress suited her well and still showed off some curvature. He on the other hand, was wearing a plain white pique shirt and black trousers with suspenders. Refusing to pull them over his shoulders, he let them stay hanging on his hips. There was a waistcoat that went with the outfit but since he wasn't going outside, Draco opted to not wear it. All-in-all they looked like the belonged in the time period.

Once they were dressed, Granger had charmed her heels into flats for comfortability and his shoes in the Oxford style of the 1900's. Feeling satisfied with their look, they headed out of the room to begin their expedition. They searched everywhere possible for the stone; only stopping for short breaks to eat and use the restroom. With a castle that large, the search took them the whole day before Draco decided to relinquish their mission around 9 o'clock that night. Both tired and drained from walking all day, they headed back to the bedroom.

"I give up. It's not here. It must be in the Manor." Draco announced as he threw himself backwards onto the bed, covering his eyes with his arm.

"We can go into the city tomorrow morning and take a car to the Manor. We would have to come up with a way to get in though. You can't just waltz in saying you're a Malfoy and start searching the place. There is no way anyone would believe you and we can't tell anyone we're from the future. Also sneaking in would be highly risky." Granger explained.

"So what do you suppose we do then?" he asked sitting up.

"We can always come up with aliases. We are also going to need some money for a car." She suggested.

"Oh I have money, that's not an issue; I always carry at least a thousand Galleons on me at all times for in case of emergencies."

"Merlin's beard Malfoy, that's five thousand pounds! What kind of emergency are you preparing for that you would need that much money on your person?"

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