Chapter 20- Party Like It's 1912

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Saturday, April 13th, 1912 08:29pm

Draco followed the couple that was leading them through Third Class. He had never been in this part of the ship yet and realized just how different the accommodations were from First Class. The noise of the engines could be heard throughout and he wondered how exactly anyone slept with the incessant nuisance. There was no décor and the walls where painted bare white. Pipes could be seen in some corridors and he could have sworn he saw a rat pass by him a few seconds ago. Steerage was nothing like what he was used to.

"And you said you didn't mind getting tickets for this part of the ship." He smirked at Hermione. She rolled her eyes at him and she continued to look around the corridor they were walking in.

They passed by an open cabin and Draco couldn't help but take a peek inside. There was a single toilet in the center of the room bolted against the far wall, with what looked to be bunk beds on either side of it. The Third Class passengers on this ship seemed to be treated with less dignity than anyone else on board. They had to sleep in groups, in a small confined area, right next to a toilet and no shower in sight. There was no privacy and nowhere to put ones belongings. He assumed even staff members had better rooms. He felt bad after remembering that Hermione had told him the other day that the majority of the people who will die on the Titanic, were men and people in Steerage. He hated the thought of innocent people dying, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Taking one last look in the room, he saw something that shattered his heart into pieces. A lone, old, rugged teddy bear sat in the corner of one of the upper bunks. He had forgotten children were on board the ship. He had hardly ever seen any running around in First Class and it completely escaped his mind.

'Children in Third Class will have less of a chance of surviving the sinking.'

"How many children survive this disaster Hermione?" Draco whispered so the couple in front of them couldn't hear.

Hermione looked at Draco with despair and he instantly knew her answer was not going to be what he wanted to hear.

"I don't know, most likely not many; especially in this part of the ship."

"What are you guys doing back there?" Dimitra asked.

"Nothing just looking." Draco called out, not taking his eyes off Hermione's.

"Well come on then! Wouldn't want to get lost down here now would you?" Robert chimed in. "We are almost there."

"Why are we in Steerage?" Hermione asked inquisitively as she broke the gaze and started walking again.

"You will see." Robert replied with a grin.

They continued on their trek, rounding corners and nearly bumping in to other passengers as they stared at them. After all, they were dress for First Class and did not look to belong in the slightest. The closer they got to where ever it was they were going, the louder the faint music could be heard. They stopped in front of a door that held a sign above saying 'General Room'. Robert opened the door as Dimitra hopped up and down excitingly. A blast of music Draco didn't recognize poured out of the room and filled the corridor. They walked through the entrance and made their way down one more set of stairs.

Draco could barely hear anything as loud live music blared through the room. There was smoke clouding his sight but he could see about a hundred or more people dancing and mingling, without a care in the world. They looked happy and he decided for the rest of the night, to forget about the doomed ship and have some fun.

"Third Class knows how to party!" Robert shouted above the noise as he watched the people dancing for a moment, before leading the group to an open table. "You guys want a beer?"

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