Chapter 42- Home (Epilogue)

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So I legit just cried writing the last line of this story. It is a very short chapter but still so enjoyable. Thank you all so much for your love and support through this story. If it wasn't for you guys...I probably would have given up a long time ago. You have made me so happy. To know that people out there enjoy my work and it will continue to be read by many; warms my heart so much. I love you guys I really do! I hope you will continue following me through this journey of Dramione Fanfiction as I take these characters to new and adventurous places. God I am really crying while writing this. I am sad to see this story end but it had to eventually. I can't wait to start another one but in the meantime. I need to take a moment to honor this story as a whole. It will always be my first and it will always be treasured. To mix my two favorite things ever, Harry Potter and Titanic, is simply amazing and I never thought I could do it. It wasn't until I realized that no one else would and if I wanted to read it I would have to write it. If you use the excuse, that you are not a writer or you feel like you can't do it...Don't, because you can. If I can do it, so can you! I love you guys. Enjoy this last chapter.


Monday June 5th, 2006

Today is the day of Draco's twenty-sixth birthday. He was never one to be happy about his birthday. Mainly because his parents just spoiled him in the latest things but never really spoiled him with the attention he actually wanted. But he had his own family now, and Hermione did everything possible to make sure his birthday was not only special but she made sure he also felt wanted and needed.

Since they had been married, five years ago, Hermione had always thrown a party for him. At first it was just the two of them. Then it was just her, Scorpius, and himself, before it became a large gathering of their closest friends and family.

After Scorpius turned two, they had moved into a large suburban white house, with a ton of huge windows, that not only was she happy about, but he felt comfortable with as well. He was accustom to large mansions and living spaces, but Hermione unfortunately, was not. So, they settled for a three thousand square foot house in Southampton, instead of the five thousand square foot glass one he wanted.

However he couldn't complain. The backyard alone was almost the size of the house and throwing any get together, was made easier. The Potters two kids, along with George's son and Bill's, loved to play in the yard with Scorpius. Today was no exception.

Everyone who was invited was getting married and having children in some way or another and that included Ronald Weasley. He had gotten together with surprisingly, Astoria Greengrass. And they were expecting their first child in October.

Neville and Luna however, never really hit it off and went their separate way, but still remained friends. Luna was actually engaged to Blaise now, which was a shock at first to all of their friends. And Neville started dating a muggle girl he met a few years ago, named Cindy and man, was she smart.

Hermione and Cindy at first didn't like each other. Hermione was always known as the smartest of the group and when Cindy came along, it became a battle of who was smarter. Although, now they have become friends and Hermione, she still held the title of the smartest witch of their age due to Cindy only being a muggle.

Theo was still single but ready to mingle. He had had his fair share of girlfriends over the years but none of them wanted to take the relationship to the next step and Theo was more than ready settle down. Draco just hoped he would find that special girl one day soon. Single Theo, was beginning to drive him mad.

Draco still didn't know much about Percy or Charlie Weasley, seeing as they only ever show up for a few hours during the holidays before having to suddenly leave for something important with work.

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