Chapter 36- Foolery

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Friday, May 4th, 2001 01:22pm

Over the past week, Draco had come up with a plan; a very clever plan actually, which took a ton of effort and a lot of details. He was happy with the surprise he created and managed to rope in every one of her friends, including his parents and hers.

Hermione's parents had grown fond of Draco over the past few days. He had done his best to visit them with and without Hermione present. He told them of his upbringing and a few details about the war that their daughter had never covered with them. They were amazed, to say the least, that he had gone through so much at such a young age. Her mother took it upon herself to treat him with as much love and respect as she could muster.

Draco was also quite fond of his future in-laws. He had learned how to fix a muggle machine called a lawn mower, after almost cutting off a few fingers, but he learnt, thanks to Mr. Granger. He also learnt to cook without the use of magic and realized just how much he loved dinners at the Granger's. Dinner there was nothing like what he was used to at his own home. It was lively and cheerful; similar to the Potter's. His parents however, still sat quietly on either end of the long dining table and barely spoke, while he sat dead center and picked at his food, wishing he was home at his own flat, instead of the miserable dinners his mother kept asking him to attend.

He had promised a change when he came back from the past but so far, he hadn't really done much to ensure a change was made. Today would be that day. Today would be the day he made his mark in the world. He was ready and now, all he had to do was let the pieces fall into place.

As he signed the document in front of him he understood that the partnership between Malfoy Inc. and Cunard Line, who merged with Whites Star Line, was one that would never had happened if he wasn't sent to the past.

The document before him entails that Malfoy Inc. secretly holds a 65% share in the company and Draco was now in charge of making sure every crew man and staff went through a rigorous training course to be certified to sail. They will be trained in a ninety day course, to make sure that no one is left behind on a sinking ship, no matter the time frame.

Realistically, he knew it was impossible to save everyone and ships now a day, are much larger and grander than the Titanic ever was but that didn't matter to Draco. He wanted to make sure that if the ship had only an hour to live then in that hour, everyone on board would be able to get to a life boat.

As for lifeboats, Draco knew that it wasn't just the amount of boats on board that were important; it was also access to them. He noticed during the sinking of Titanic, that ropes would get stuck on the davits and some were lowered too slowly. Not to mention a majority of the life boats were not even filled to capacity. He would make sure davits were charmed by the best of the best to never get stuck and that there are witches and wizards trained for such emergencies to make sure every boat was filled and lowered at a safe but quicker speed.

He wanted to charm every boat to never sink but he knew that in doing so, would change the future in some way, and not necessarily in the best way. Muggles would catch on and deem every ship unsinkable. People with no knowledge of building ships or ones who got too cocky and built their own, might end up sinking with people on board. Too much attention would be drawn to his company and Cunard Line. It would be a huge mess that he did not want to clean up; so he outvoted himself of the idea.

The last thing he made sure was fixed, was that no ship would be made of iron. He had to go to the Ministry and the Prime Minister to the Queen, to pass a law in, at least England, to ban iron from being used ever again. He unfortunately couldn't pass the law in America since he was not a citizen nor could he protect U.S ships. That was lesson he had learned too late.

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