Chapter 11- Fall Through the Stars

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This is the first sexual content scene I have ever written so please go easy on me. It was nerve-wracking writing it. I still hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, April 9th, 1912 08:33pm

Draco recalled the fight he and Hermione had a few hours earlier. He was pissed at himself for calling her a mudblood. He was so angry at her and he was angry at himself for bringing up his engagement, at the end of their date that the word just spilled from his lips; he couldn't control it. He regretted the fight deeply, but he didn't regret the after math. She told him she never hated him. He was in such disbelief, that all he could do was stand there, looking at her. He originally wanted to walk away from her after the mistake he made and her list of shit he had done, but then she made that confession and all anger was wiped from his system. It wasn't until she turned around to leave him, that he was shaken from his frozen trance.

After he kissed her, his thoughts raced and he wondered if she really meant it. Once she confirmed she did, he realized they were just like the fighting couple he saw the night before in front of the pub. He wanted to be like them. Fight with a passion but then quickly make up like nothing had happened. He had gotten that not long ago. He had finally, for once in his life, gotten what he wanted.


They had cleaned up the soaked picnic with a simple charm. They opted to not wear their wet shoes since it was still raining, so they walked barefoot back to the hotel room in silence. Once the door was securely closed Draco placed a silencing spell up, took two large steps towards Hermione, and kissed her with all the passion he could muster. She opened her mouth for him to deepen the kiss and he didn't hesitate to comply with her. He pushed her up against the same wall as last time and lifted her up so her legs could wrap around his hips. Her hands entwined in his wet hair and she let out a soft moan into his mouth. It made his dick hard and he wanted all of her; tonight.

He carried her to the bed and gently placed her on her back. He ripped the tie off his neck throwing it to the floor, and started to unbuttoned his shirt, as she watched him from the bed. He leaned back down after all the buttons were undone and kissed her again, only to break the kiss after a few seconds, to start a trailing pecks across her jaw and down her neck. He knew he found her sweet spot when her nails started scratching his chest, making their way down his hard abs. He continued to suck that little spot until the pleasure of the scratching became too much and he almost came in his pants. He needed to slow the experience down, he wanted to the moment to last. He removed his lips from under her ear and leaned off her. He wanted to see her in all her glory, so he ripped the dress from its buttons; ignoring her small protest.

'He could always repair it or buy her a new one.'

He looked at her in awe, as she lay there, half naked in front of him. He couldn't get enough. He wanted to take her all in; memorize every detail of her alluring body.

'She is so beautiful and she was his. Temporarily, but his all the same.'

Noticing his stare, she started to cover up her bare chest, but he grabbed her arms to stop her. He kissed her again; releasing her arms, her hands went back to being entangled in his hair. He removed his shirt fully and undid his belt buckle without breaking the intimate kiss. He started back on his trail down her neck but this time he kept going down. Slowly kissing her collar bone first, and then the top of her chest. He could feel the vibrations of the light moans she was letting out and took that as his que to continue. He slowly kissed his way down her chest making his way to her left breast. Cupping her right breast in his hand and he massaged it as he slowly started to suck on the left. She let out a loud moan as his lips popped around the hard nipple, so he treated the right breast the same way; savoring the taste of her.

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