Chapter 5- 1912

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Sunday, April 7, 1912 08:07am

Draco felt the warm rays of sunshine press down on his face. He felt rather comfortable as he slowly woke from his sleeping state. His arm was wrapped around something petite and it made him wanted to just lay there forever as he smelled the soothing scent of vanilla-rose again.

'He really could melt away in this scent and he would be perfectly okay with it...wait!'

His eyes shot open and he stared down at the girl he held in his arms. He must have rolled into to her in his sleep last night. He was having another one of his horrible nightmares and most likely grasped on to her for support. They were very close to the edge of her side of the bed. Not wanting to be caught holding her, he jerked his body and sat up quickly. He must have jerk a little too hard in his shocked state, because he heard a loud thud hit the floor.


He saw Granger look around in confusion from the floor. She probably thought she rolled herself off the bed. Finally catching his eyes, her face turned sour at the realization of what happened.

"Bloody hell Malfoy, that was rude."

"Sorry, had a nightmare," he smirked "I woke up and realized it was still going on; seeing as you're still here."







"Ugh! Why are you even on my side of the bed anyway?" she asked as she started to stand up and straighten her dress.

"Like a said...nightmare." It was only a half-truth really. He did have a nightmare but he wasn't about to tell her he used her for emotional support in his sleep.

She seemed to have believed him because her face fell in into what looked like pity.

"I don't want your pity Granger. So you can stop right now before you say something to piss me off."

He swung his legs around to rest them off the edge of the bed.

"I wasn't going to pity you Malfoy...I...I get them too sometimes you know?" She moved to sit on the edge next to him. "Usually, about things that happened during the war. Last night was the first time, in a long time, I didn't have a nightmare."

Being curious he wanted to ask her what hers entailed. He turned to face her and ask but noticed her head bowed as she looked at her forearm. He instantly knew then. She dreamt of the night she was tortured at Malfoy Manor by his sadistic Aunt Bellatrix. He too had the same kind of nightmares. He was glad his aunt was dead; he hated her, but now he hated her even more.

Draco couldn't comprehend why he felt so bad for the muggle-born girl sitting next to him. But he could recall her screams as she looked to him in the Manor. Pleading with him to help her as his crazy aunt carved into her flesh, and he did nothing. In most of his nightmares, he could feel himself wanting to run to Granger and help her, but every time he tried, his body wouldn't move. He was always frozen, always watching, and never able to look away as she cried out in pain.

He stood up and moved to stand in front of her. She looked up at him. He knew she was waiting for him to insult her. It's something the old Draco would have done; he would have reveled in her moment of weakness just now. Not this time though. No, this time he wouldn't mock her. This time he wouldn't make her feel worthless, like he has felt his entire life. With sadness in his eyes he looked down at her.

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