Chapter 19- Let the Past Guide You

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Friday, April 12th, 1912 08:50pm

Aquila looked at Hermione with fear in her eyes as she clasped her mouth with her hand. Draco knew the questions that bounced around her brain. He had had the same questions run through his mind when he found out.

"You are certain? When?" Aquila asked in horror.

"Positive." He replied rather calmly. "Hermione read about it in our fourth year, but because of the...well things, going on at the time, brushed it off to help one of her best friends. She only just remembered when Mr. Ismay mentioned the word iceberg. But she doesn't remember when it will happen."

"But...Titanic will sink...and...and over half the people on board are going die? It doesn't make any sense, I am no master Legilimen, but why were you searching her mind then when the ship set sail, if you only just remembered yesterday?" Aquila asked.

"I was trying to explain to Draco about how the ship was able to move and float. But it wasn't going very well, so I had him search my mind for the book I read the day before, that held information on steam ships. And before you ask, it would take too long for him to search my mind for the date on the impending disaster." Hermione explained.

"So why did you look upset, causing him to hug you in such a loving manner? I am sure reading about steam ships would hardly upset you."

"I...I had had a nightmare before boarding.' Hermione claimed as she lowered her head in sadness. "I was drowning but I could breathe and when I reached the surface I saw hundreds of people screaming and trying to stay afloat. When Draco pulled out of my mind, it popped up and he saw bits of it. But it was just a nigh-"

"A warning..." Aquila interrupted. "The same thing happened to Cygnus's grandmother!"

"You're saying that people get warnings, of an impending disaster, depending on the time period they were thrown into?" Draco joined in.

"Yes. It seems that the stones were trying to warn you and that a disaster of some sort is a part of a... trial...If you don't mind me asking, I would like to compare somethings."

Draco waved his hand for her to ask away as he sat down on the edge of the coffee table.

"You, Hermione, are a Gryffindor muggle-born and Draco, you are a pureblood Slytherin. Complete opposites in every way. I am going out on a limb here, but you mentioned earlier that you were in a war. Did it have anything to do with blood status?"

The couple both nodded their heads yes, careful not to divulge too much detail.

"And you were both on opposite sides of the war, were you not?"

They nodded again.

"I presume you both hated each other for a long time, before the war started?"

They nodded their heads yes again and Draco looked at Hermione in astonishment.

'Aquila wasn't proficient in Legilimency but she had of way of figuring things out. It was intimidating and a little overwhelming, but interesting. She could read people in ways he never knew a person could. She wasn't a seerer, that was certain, but appeared to be an expert at observation. Woman was bloody terrifying.'

"I think I figured it out! Your trial!" Aquila chimed excitingly. "If I am correct, which comparing the information to the story I was told both are soulmates."

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