Chapter 30- Aftermath

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Monday, April 8th, 2001 10:52am

Draco sat on the loveseat next to Hermione in the office of Betty Braithwaite; the same woman who interviewed Rita Skeeter about her book on Dumbledore many years ago. She sat in an armchair across from them looking rather excited as the makeup team put the finishing touches on the couple. Draco swatted a few hands away, as he felt they were doing too much, and leaned back on the couch; placing his right arm on the back behind Hermione.

Harry had joined them to make sure everything went smoothly while Ginny took care of the rest of the boys at home. Draco and Hermione slowed down on their drinking early in the night but the rest of the group went hard. Ginny basically had to play mother to Blaise, Theo, and Ron once the trio left the house that morning.

A photographer barged into the room looking out of breath and the whole room full of people looked at him as he made his way towards the couple.

"Sorry A'm late." He began in a heavy Scottish accent. "Ye' knew there's a mass of people in the lobby? Ben down there all morn. Ah had to worm me ways through, Ah did, to make it up 'ere."

"That is quite alright, Kalum," Betty stated calmly. "No worries to be had. We still have some time." She gestured her hand to Draco and Hermione." If you would like to begin. I think the lovely couple is ready."

Draco sat up as the photographer walked in front of them. He crouched down and brought his camera to his face.

"If ye' could move in a wee bit closer, ay. There we go. Now holds still."

Draco and Hermione gave a wonderful smile as the man's camera flashed into their eyes. Draco had to blink a few times to get rid of the dots floating around the room before the man spoke again.

"Alright lass, if ye' could give 'em a peck on the cheek now."

Hermione did as she was told and leaned into Draco to place a tender kiss on his cheek as he smiled, slightly looking at her.

"That is true barry. Lass one now. Ifs ye' could, keek at each other and give us a pog?"

"What?" Draco asked confused by what the man said.

"Keek at each other and gives us a pog." He repeated.

"I am still not understanding."

"He wants us to look at each other and kiss." Hermione interjected. "Oliver Wood is Scottish and used to talk like that. Took us awhile to understand him at first, but he got better and changed some of his words so we could all understand." She giggled.

"Oh, okay." Draco replied before turning himself to face Hermione and placed a soft and supple kiss upon her lips.

"Barry, Barry! Right then. Yer all done. Thank ye."

Draco leaned into Hermione to whisper once he faced forward again as the photographer stood up and made his way to stand behind Betty.

"What the hell is a barry?" he asked.

She let out a soft chuckle as she leaned back over.

"It means fantastic or brilliant."

"Ah, okay...weird." He shook his head.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen!" Betty called out. "It is time to begin."

Draco sat up straight as Hermione placed her hands on her lap.

'She looks just a proper as she used to sitting at dinner on the Titanic. He had to admit, without the blasted sinking, he had come to miss those days. He almost...almost wanted to go back.'

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