Chapter 10- I Don't Hate You

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I would like to point out that this chapter is going to be exceptionally longer than the last 9. It has 4 parts instead of the usual 2. I wanted to put the whole date in one chapter instead of making it into 2 for the shear purpose of having my chapter's names already. Also, the fact that I have made it to 10 chapters so far, I wanted to make this chapter longer to celebrate the mile stone. I hope you enjoy. I also want to note that there is an actual historical building mentioned in this chapter. I have never visited it and the research I have done on it does not tell me the layout of the building, so I made some things up.

Tuesday, April 9, 1912 09:02am

Draco sat on a bench outside of the small hotel he was staying at, waiting for Hermione to come down. His leg was nervously shaking as his thoughts raced a mile a minute.

'She had said yes. He never expected her to agree to a date with him.'

That morning he had gone out for a walk around the town to clear his head; when he saw a flower stand. He was never one to buy flowers for a girl, but something about Hermione made him want to buy her everything he could. Picking out a dozen red roses, he decided that he want treat her to a day out as well. They had already gotten their tickets and luggage to board the ship; there wasn't really anything else for them to do, so he picked out a few places to take her and walked back to their room.

Sitting down was not helping his nerves so he stood up and started pacing the sidewalk. Pacing always seemed to help him calm down but it wasn't working this time. He saw the main door open a few times and thought it might be her, but it was always some random person. One lady had actually stopped to ask him if he was okay because he looked pale; not realizing that was just his actual skin color.

The door finally opened and Hermione walked out wearing a purple and white dress with a matching hat. Draco paused his walking and stared; mesmerized but her beauty.

"Wow, you look... you look beautiful." he proclaimed putting his hands in his pockets.

She had looked at him like he was crazy.

"Thank you. No one...No one has ever called me beautiful before." she replied blushing.

"Really? Not even Weasel or Scarhead?"

"Please don't call them that. And no not even from them. It took Ron until the Yule ball to even figure out I was a girl and Harry has only ever called Ginny beautiful."

"Well they are both gits, because you are beautiful and this era most definitely works for you."

"Thank you Draco." She replied smiling.

His pride swelled at the sight her smiling.

'He had done that. He had made her happy.'

"So are you ready for our date?" he asked.

"Yes." she responded excitingly. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. You'll just have to trust me." He stated cheekily.

He held out his arm for Hermione to take. She seemed almost hesitant at first but slipped her arm through his and they started walking down the block. He brought them to the restaurant they ate the night before, to have breakfast. There weren't many other places else to eat at, given that a person had to have money in order to go. Draco had figured that out when he asked a man, who was dressed in middle class attire, that morning, for recommendations on places to dine at. The man had told him that most people don't have the kind of money to always eat out so they get their groceries from a market a few blocks away.

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