Chapter 13- What You See, Isn't Always What You Get

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Wednesday, April 10th, 1912 01:15pm

Draco and Hermione were sat at a table for four, when they entered the large Dinning Saloon. They had run out of tables for two, so another couple or two single people, were bound to join them eventually, which was lucky on Draco's part, because it would give him time to observe up close.

He looked around the room as they waited for lunch to be served and realized how eloquent it was. The room was clearly the width of the ship itself and was a little over a quarter of a Quidditch pitch. The walls were painted white, with wood paneling and the floors were covered in blue linoleum tiles, with a red and yellow pattern. The chairs, green with wooden arms and legs. He was pleased that he could at least sit in a Slytherin green chair and not red like their room.

"So do you want a plated meal of the buffet?" he asked Hermione while looking over the menu.

"Buffet seems like a lot right now. I'll go with the Chicken A La Maryland again. It was good the last time I had it. What about you? What are you getting?"

"I think I'll try the Egg A L'Argenteuil. It seems interesting."

"What is it exactly? It sounds fancy." She asked.

"I...have no idea." He laughed. "But I guess we'll find out."

"Pardon me. We were told these seats were not taken yet. May we sit?" a stranger asked politely.

Draco looked up from his menu and realized that his perfect opportunity to observe just got more perfect. There, standing right next to him was Dimitra Black, wearing the stone around her neck, and her lover Robert. Sensing Hermione's eagerness he placed a hand on hers and rubbed the back of it with his thumb, before standing up.

"Of course, please, have a seat." He politely replied.

"Thank you. I am Dimitra Black. This is my fiancé Robert Hoarse. I feel like we have crossed paths before. Have we met? You both look so familiar." She asked.

"Good afternoon Ms. Black, Mr. Hoarse. I am Hermione Gr-Lovegood and this is my husband Draco. We haven't officially met but we did crossed paths in a restaurant in Southampton." Hermione claimed as she folded her napkin over her lap.

"Yes! Of course how could I forget? You accidently spilled your drink on your beautiful dress. However did you manage to clean it?"

"Oh, my husband's mother's handmaiden cleaned it. I think she used white vinegar. One could not even tell there was ever a stain there." she replied with a smile.

"Interesting, I will have to let my handmaidens know that little secret. So what brings you on the Titanic?"

"We are starting our new life in America. Change of scenery. And you?" Draco chimed in.

"We are also starting a new life in...what is the full name they call it dear?" Dimitra asked her fiancé.

"The United States of America, my sweet. Land of the free they say. Let's hope they are right." Robert responded.

"Home of the brave." Hermione chimed. "I heard they have plenty of opportunities and their military is well trained. They have five armed forces branches. It's all quite fascinating really."

"Fascinating indeed. I am just a pub owner, well I was, until I sold it, but military always intrigued me. Where did you learn about all this?" Robert questioned.

"I've read all about America in different history books. I was actually thinking of looking into schools there for when we have children." She replied sweetly.

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