Chapter 22- Betrayal

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Monday April 15th, 1912 12:42am

Draco fought with everything he had to get away from the officers as they dragged him away from Hermione. He could only kick and flail his body since his hands were trapped behind him, cuffed. He shouted his innocence but they weren't listening. He saw Hermione run after him followed by Dimitra and Robert, but the crowd was preventing them from getting to him. He tried so hard to break them men's holds, but it was to no avail.

They led him down multiple flights of stairs and to an elevator. He once again tried to fight the men off him but they held on tightly. They had the bellman lower the lift to E deck. They stepped out, dragging him down the hallway, to the Master at Arms office to hold him.

"Are you people insane? The ship is bloody sinking and you are trying to arrest me? What the fuck is wrong with you?" He shouted but they ignored him.

Suddenly he heard a familiar voice behind them.


The two men fell to the floor and Draco stood in astonishment for a few seconds before turning around to see Hermione standing behind him, breathing heavily, like she had just run a marathon. He looked her up and down, impressed, before she ran to him. She hugged and kissed him but was interrupted by Robert and Dimitra running towards them. They stopped to catch their breaths as they looked down at the two men on the floor.

"What the?" Dimitra began.

"What happened?" Robert asked confused.

"Don't ask. You don't want to know." Draco replied carefully. "Can someone undo these bloody things on me? They hurt like a bitch."

"Right!" Robert announced as he dug in to one of the officers coats for the key.

Draco turned around so Robert could unlock the cuffs. He rubbed his wrists once he was free and walked right up to Hermione. He kissed her hard; like his life depended on it, in thanks for saving him.


"Eh hem. I'd say get a room but you might drown in it by the time you two are done." Robert joked.

"Uh, guys." Dimitra said again trying to get their attention.

He pulled back and smirked at Robert before leaning in to kiss Hermione again.

"GUYS!" Dimitra shouted.

"Okay! We won't snog in-" Draco began as he pulled back from his kiss.

"No...Look!" she pointed down the corridor.

The trio looked in the direction she was pointing to. A steady stream of water started pouring down the beige carpet; staining the floor with seawater and getting thicker as it moved down the corridor.

"Isn't....isn't that the way we came?" Hermione asked.

"We need to hurry." Robert exclaimed.

They all nodded their heads in agreement and started making their way back.



Hermione held back some, as the group made their way down the now wet corridor. She turned to the two officers on the floor and released the spells holding them down. They took deep breaths in as they came to; she never took her wand off them. They looked around, suddenly realizing their prisoner was missing and stood up quickly.

"Bleeding Christ! What happened? Wha- What do you plan on doing with that stick miss?" one of the officers asked in confusion when his eyes landed on her. She squinted at his name tag and saw that it read Michael.

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