Chapter 38- Remember Me

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Friday, May 4th, 2001 04:15pm

Draco paced back and forth outside of the room Hermione's was placed in, as Healer Francis looked her over. He was actually surprised the hospital even let him back in after his break down not long ago. Although, they should be happy that that breakdown was nothing compared to the one at Malfoy Manor. He probably would have been arrested on the spot. However he might be arrested soon, after the Ministry finds out he accidently, on purpose, murdered Pansy.

He wanted to kill her so badly. He wanted to watch her struggle as she choked to death by his hand. He wanted her to suffer, the same way she made him suffer by erasing himself from Hermione's mind.

But Hermione pushing him, made him lose concentration and her neck snapped. He didn't mean for it to happen, at least not like that, although he wasn't upset about it. He was glad Pansy was dead but what he worried about now, was not just the health of his child and his fiancée, but whether or not he would even be around to see his baby born.

Mrs. Weasley walked down the hallway toward him carrying what looked like a cup of tea. He stopped pacing back and forth when he realized Luna was following behind her.

'When did she get here?'

"Here you are dear. Drink up; you will need your strength." Mrs. Weasley stated with a smile, handing over a hot cup to him.

He nodded his head at Luna who looked a little weary of him but smiled anyway and took a seat in chair in the hallway.

Draco took the cup from Mrs. Weasley's hands, thanked her and hesitantly, sat down next to Luna.

"I am going to head back the Manor and see exactly what we are in for. I ran into Luna here, in the Lobby, and she offered to keep you company while I am gone." She placed a hand gently on his shoulder. "We will fix this, you hear? We will do everything we can to make sure you are not sent off to Azkaban. Arthur and I will contact your parents and tell them what happened. All you need to worry about right now, is your family in this hospital, okay?"

He looked up at the woman and couldn't help himself.

"Why are you being so nice to me? My family has been nothing but hateful to yours. I never even had a chance to apologize to you for my actions in the war...and well before the war too." He asked calmly.

Molly Weasley let out a deep sigh and sat down next to Draco.

"Hermione loves you Draco. She is a good judge of character and if she can forgive you for all the things you have done to her, then I can forgive you as well...Plus George, Ron, and Ginny have pleaded your case for you. A little too well I might add. I felt ganged up on." She chuckled slightly as she looked at the blank white wall in front of her. "We saw the memories Harry brought over to us and I couldn't help but feel...pity. Pity that anyone had to go through what you went through. Not just on that ship but also what you went through in the war." She looked down at her hands "Your choices where not your own and although, I feel that we would have accepted you if you came to the Order; I understand why you didn't. You wanted to protect your parents. I respect that...because...I would have done the same thing for my family." She turned and looked at him "You are not a coward Draco. I know you feel that you were...or are...but you're not. You are very brave for having to do what you did to save your family. None of what you did was easy, I know that now, and I know that you love Hermione with everything you is rare, you know? To find love like that; your hearts beat for each other. We all witnessed that not long ago...I don't know much about emotional magic but I do know, how deeply you feel things compared to others and I know it is hard to control...I know of another who was just like you."

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