Chapter 4- Present meet Past

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Saturday, April 6, 1912 07:00pm

Landing hard on the floor, Draco could feel his lungs struggling to breathe. He tried catching his breath but before he could even inhale to grasp the sweet air around him, he felt something large fall on top of his chest. He felt like he just couldn't catch a break. First he gets hit with a chair, then Pansy starts a fight with Granger, then she pushes her, knocking them both down, and now he's lying on the floor struggling to breathe with a large object laying on top of him.

'What more could go wrong?' He thought, finally able to take in a deep breath.

He looked down at his chest to see what was laying on him but all he could see was hair.

'It smells like roses... with a hint... (sniff)...of vanilla.'

He wanted to suffocate in it. He wanted to take another whiff of the wonderful scent, but the person on him started moving.

"Ugh, my head" He heard her say.

Lifting her head up with her hand placed on her forehead, he saw that it was Granger.

'He was sniffing Granger's hair? Shit he forgot she was still there.' The thought repulsed him and he tried to quickly sit up, pushing her off him.

"Ow Malfoy! Watch it!" she said in frustration as she stared at him from the floor with distaste.

"Are you alright?" She asked as her expression fell to concern "That was a pretty hard fall."

"Yeah...yeah I think so." He replied while rubbing his head "I'd ask if you were alright but seeing as I took the brunt of the fall for both of us, I'll refrain."

He took a moment to collect himself and stood up. Patting his pockets he pulled out his wand; thankful that it wasn't broken after that whole ordeal, he placed it in the inside of his jacket. He could see Granger trying to stand up as well but she seemed to be struggling in her heels.

'And that tight dress that showed off all of her curves...STOP IT!'

Draco closed his eyes to try and erase the thought from his mind. He looked back down at her and contemplated helping her up, but watching her struggle was far more entertaining.

'It had been awhile since he's had a dinner and a show. Speaking of show...where the hell is everyone? And where are all the tables?'

"Thanks for the help Malfoy!" he heard her utter in an annoyed tone. "What... what happened? Where is everyone?"

He noticed her heels thrown out on the floor. He assumed she threw them off to help her stand. She was looking around the room in shock. Draco shrugged his shoulder and looked around. The room was like a ghost town. Any evidence of a ball being thrown was gone. There were a few lit sconces illuminating the dark empty hall but that was it. No furniture, no people, no decorations, nothing. He tried to diapparate to Malfoy Manor but nothing happened.

'What the bloody hell is happening?'

He started for the hall entrance.

"Where are you going" Hermione call out.

Stopping in his tracks he turned back to her.

"Too look around. What does it look like I'm doing? I can't disapparate and I am guessing that you can't either." he replied in an obvious tone. "There has to be someone here that can tell us what happened. I for one don't think we'll find the answers sitting in an empty room; do you?"

"Well, no but-" she started to say, but Draco took that as a good enough answer and started to walk off again.

"WAIT!" she yelled. "I'm coming with you!"

1912 Present meet Past *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now