Chapter 29- Happiness Can Be Found

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Sunday, April 7th, 2001 12:13pm

Draco sat on the toilet seat in the small guest bathroom, as Hermione finished cleaning his face up from the dried blood. His nose was definitely broken but he didn't care. Hermione not only just stood up for him earlier, but her friends did as well. If it wasn't for them, he would have killed the Weasel for touching him.

'He understood though, where Ron was coming from but it didn't make him dislike him any less. After that punch, he most definitely liked him less. But the Weasel was still one of Hermione's best friends and he figured he had to find a way to try and get along with the stupid fool.'

"Now," Hermione began interrupting his thoughts. "Let's fix that nose of yours."

She took her wand off the sink and pointed it at his nose.

"What? You don't like my face with a crooked nose?" he joked.

She let out a slight chuckle. "I'd like your face even if you didn't have a nose. Now hold still...Episkey."

His nose felt very hot and then very cold as the cartilage aligned itself back into place.

"Thanks." He muttered, feeling his repaired nose.

"Draco, I really am sorry for what Ron did. He had no right to-"

"No," he cut her off lifting a hand and looked at her. "He had every right to do what he did; not that I enjoyed it, but I can see where he was coming from. He doesn't know anything about what happened between us or what happened at the ball. All he knows is what the Daily Profit told him and what he remembers about me in school."

"Are you kidding me? He should have at least given me some credit and thought about why I chose you. He shouldn't have hit you and he shouldn't have assumed I wanted you for just your money. I don't care about money." She leaned back against the wall in front of him. "It's not fair that everyone else gets to be happy and when I finally am able to do exactly what they are doing...I get yelled at and criticized."

Draco stood up and looked at his fiancée; grabbing her hands in his and began to caress his thumb across the back of her hands.

"Hermione, I am not saying what he did was right." He bent his knees a little and tilted his head to look into her eyes better. "I am simply saying I know why he did it and you shouldn't have to apologize for his actions. Everyone in this house knows you aren't with me for my money. I am sure even if I was completely broke, you would still be with me. He probably just said that because he realized he was losing the argument, but don't let what he said hurt you. You can be happy regardless of what anyone else thinks; I am, and to be quite honest the only person whose opinion matters to me, is yours." He lifted a hand and tilted her face up to look at him. "He is angry and upset that he lost you and more importantly, lost you to me. But please don't take his crude words to heart. I would never use you and I would never purposely hurt you. You are not in this for my money and I know that...I can't believe I am defending that Weasel, have to see it from his perspective. Would you have acted the same way if it was announced he was marrying Pansy out of nowhere?"

She looked up at him with a defeated expression and let out a breath.

"No, you're right. I would have blown a gasket. I wouldn't have hit her though but I know men act differently when threatened. I am still sorry this all happened."

"I knew what I was getting into Hermione, when I chose you. I am not going back now, nor will I ever. I told you that first night, remember? 'You'll just have to trust me, I promise I won't leave and I promise this isn't some game.' I want you, only you, forever. I want to marry you and have a family and grow old, with you. I don't care if that means we have to move to a different continent to make you happy and get away from the drama. I will do it. I'll do anything for you."

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