Chapter 40- Bound

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Sorry for the delay guys. I wanted to make this chapter longer for you since we have officially reached 40 chapters!! Whoot! I hope you enjoy!


Sunday, May 6th, 2001 02:30pm

Draco watched in awe as Hermione danced with her friends. He was quite proud of himself that he was able to pull off a whole wedding in just a matter of days. Well, not by himself. He did have help; lot of it actually.

He had asked Ginny to take Hermione dress shopping, as much as she could, so his wife could find the dress of her dreams. It was the least he could do, since she had no part in the actual planning of their wedding.

"Hey." Blaise nudged him gently with a drink in his hand. "You ready for the garter toss?"

Draco looked away from his wife, who was now dancing with his father, and looked at his Best Man.

"Absolutely!" he stated a little too happily.

Blaise nodded his head and walked away. He walked up to the DJ and spoke to him before grabbing the mic to make the announcement. He waited until the song was over before he began speaking.

"May I have your attention please?" Blaise asked raising his glass. "If we could clear the dance floor and have the lovely couple come up front. We are going to do, what muggles call, the garter toss, followed by the bouquet toss! But first, we need to get the garter off the beautiful bride, so my man Draco here, has volunteered as tribute, to obtain the item!" he laughed.

Draco shook his head and walked up to the dance floor with a half-smile on his face. Hermione took a seat in a chair that Luna had provided her, in the center of the floor and wiggled her body in excitement.

The DJ started the song 'Boombastic" by Shaggy and the crowd went wild. Hermione clapped her hands together as she began to laugh. Draco decided to let loose and have some fun. He began to sway his body back and forth as he seductively moved towards his wife. He had no idea what the song was or what the guy, who was singing it, was saying, but he enjoyed the beat and Harry recommended it; so he began to dance for his woman.

Whistles and whoops could be heard throughout the room as Draco spun in a circle. Landing the spin on his knees, he started caressing his hands up Hermione's legs under her dress, to the beat of the music.

Hermione covered her face in embarrassment and laughed when Draco began to lift her right leg in the air. He placed her leg on his shoulder and looked up at her with seductive eyes and a very large smirk. More whistles could be heard as he quickly lifted her dress and threw it over his head.

He began leaving soft pecks up her thigh and she wiggled when he began tickling her skin with his tongue. He was taking a risk doing what he was doing, in front of all of their family and friends, but he didn't care. Her dress covered his actions so he continued to keep teasing her.

He placed his lips at the warmth of her center through her panties and left a long tender kiss. Her hands instinctively grabbed his head; he couldn't see her face but he was sure she was letting off a shocked expression. He let out a chuckle as he pulled back slightly. Grabbing one of her two garters between his teeth he started pulling the garter slowly down her leg. She pulled her dress up slightly, so everyone could now see what he was doing, and let out another laugh when he lifted her leg and tugged the item from her ankle.

Releasing her foot from his grasp, he stood up, removed the garter from his mouth, and held it in the air in triumph. The crowd cheered and clapped their hands as Blaise shook his head in shock and looked to be debating on whether or not he wanted to bring the microphone back up to speak.

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