Chapter 39- Can You Imagine

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I want it known! I love you guys so much! I received yesterday, a wonderful comment on my wall and it filled my heart with such joy. Thank you all for your likes; I hope you enjoy this chapter. Some lines from my own, coming up wedding, vows, are placed in this chapter. I hope you like it!

Sunday, May 6th, 2001 10:44am

Hermione stood in front of the overly large mirror as a muggle seamstress finished the last stitch in her wedding dress. The silver embroidery on the strapless corset top, flowed down into the skirt of the ball gown, making it look like vines trickled down the dress. She was in love with the details and it suited her taste perfectly and she admired how simple, yet intricate, the dress was. She couldn't wait to wear it on her wedding day; the day, they so far, have yet to pick out.

Ginny had dragged her to so many shops in the wizarding world to try on dresses over the last month, but none of them seemed to fit Hermione's taste. To her, it felt wrong to go anywhere but a muggle shop, so Ginny brought her to a family owned business in the middle of East London.

She did a small twirl as she looked herself over once the seamstress was done and walked away. Hermione couldn't help but smile as she tried to hold back tears. She had always dreamed of her wedding day; from the songs that would play, to the beautiful red roses that would scatter throughout the room. But so far, the only thing she had been able to plan was her wedding dress. She didn't even have a venue picked out yet.

As Hermione laid her hands upon the skirt of her dress, pressing away the nonexistent creases, Ginny stepped out of the dressing room wearing a very pretty, long, red, bridesmaid dress with gold heels. The dress fit her perfectly and looked very similar to the one she wore on the night of the Malfoy family Charity Ball.

"Oh Ginny! Look at you! You look amazing!" she expressed as she held her hands to her lips in excitement.

"Me? Look at you! I can't believe this is happening! You look gorgeous Mione! Draco is going to lose his mind when he sees you!"

Hermione let off a blushing smiles as she turned back to look in the mirror.

"You think so?" she asked with her cheeks now pink.

"I know so!" Ginny expressed with a wide grin. "Here put this on I want to get the full affect." She handed over her silver tennis bracelet that she removed from her wrist. "Think of it as something borrowed." She smiled. "Now let's see what you'll look like with your hair and makeup done."

She looked around the corner to make sure no one was watching and pulled out her wand.

If Hermione was paying attention to her best friend, she would have noticed Ginny's slight mischievous smile as she looked at her with pride. She would have noticed that Ginny had her hair done perfectly in a side ponytail that laid on her shoulders and how flawless her make up looked. However, Hermione was too focused on her own thoughts to even gain a hint of what the red head was up to.

Hermione's mouth hung open as she watched her hair fall out of the loose bun with a simple flick of Ginny's wrist. The messy up do fell to her shoulders in light waves that made any hair style she has ever had look like a child did it. Ginny added some light brown highlights before she pinned back some of her hair with a blue butterfly clip.

"Something blue."

She added some make up to complete the look and Hermione stood there, stunned, as she looked at herself.

" didn't have to do all of this...this...this is amazing!" Hermione stood shell-shocked looking in the mirror.

" more thing."

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