Chapter 34- Family

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Sunday, April 15th, 2001 10:20am

Hermione had been asleep for almost two days and it was driving Draco insane. He hadn't moved from the chair in her room. He hadn't eaten or slept the whole time. Ginny and others had tried numerous times to get him to eat or take a break to shower and change, but he refused any and all help. He only wanted Hermione to wake up. He wanted to see her beautiful caramel eyes again. He wanted to apologize for putting her in this position in the first place.

He still wanted to leave her though, but Harry's words entombed in mind and created a battle in his head.

'You're going to be a father Draco.'

He couldn't leave her alone to raise his child by herself. He couldn't leave his unborn baby that grew in her womb; their child. The one and only thing that Harry said could be used to calm him. His temper as of late was running wild and he couldn't control himself anymore. The incident that happening in the waiting room was out of his control. He tried so hard to calm himself but nothing worked. He didn't mean for his anger to get that crazy, but the more he thought about how he screwed up, the more pissed off he had become.

The only thing his friends were able to get him to do was drink an herbal lavender potion, to stop his rage from boiling over again. Harry and Blaise had also set up an appointment with a Healer, known to muggles, as a therapist. Apparently his demons ran deeper than even he knew and Harry could only do so much.

The idea of leaving however, out weighted all the reasons to stay. He thought about sending money and possibly seeing his child every so often cruised through his mind at a rapid speed. He loved her so much but he wouldn't, he couldn't, be the one to hurt her again. Like the old saying goes; if you love something, set it free. He wanted to be in his child's life but at the cost of hurting them too, was unimaginable.

The pain he was going through, he knew, would be nothing compared to the heartbreak he was going to bestow upon his little one.

'No...she wasn't his anymore.'

Something in him had finally snapped and he stood up quickly from his chair, almost knocking it over. The only other three people in the room, Harry, Ginny, and Ron, looked at him in shock for a second as he stood there looking down at Hermione.

"Draco?" Ginny began "What's wrong? Are you okay?" she asked in concern as she looked at him suspiciously from her chair in the corner.

"I...I can't do this...I have to go." He stammered.

Before anyone could say anything he turned on his heels and walked out of the door. He heard Harry calling out for him as he quickly walked down the corridor on the fifth floor. He made it to an exit door; pushing it open he ran down the steps in a sweat. Once he reached the bottom he stormed out of the stairwell and crossed the Main Lobby to a vacant fireplace. He grabbed a handful of floo powder off the ledge and stepped in.

He lifted his hand to drop the power and call out a location but stopped. He was hesitant and he didn't know why. He wanted so badly to leave; to leave this place behind, to leave Hermione but something was eating at him. Looking up, Harry could be seen running out of the stairwell. He stopped and looked around until his eyes landed on the fireplaces. He began to jog across the lobby yelling Draco's name but he wasn't quick enough. Draco ignored his gut feeling and dropped the powder.

"Malfoy Manor!" he yelled out before a green ember rose from the ashes and submerged him.

Arriving at the Manor, Draco took off and ran up the stairs to his bedroom. He passed his mother and father on the way, who looked at him in confusion.

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