Chapter 15- Behind the Man

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Thanks to your glorious patience I have been able to finish chapter 15! And because of your love and support on this story I give you a full chapter of ONLY Draco's POV with...DRUM ROLL...a smut scene! Which reminds me...


Thursday, April 11th, 1912 09:06am

He didn't mean to admit it out loud. He barely had enough time to admit it to himself. But he couldn't lie to her anymore; she deserved to know the truth. If he had taken the time to look at her when he told her he loved her, he would have seen the shock written on her face; but he didn't look up. It was too late to take it back anyway. She was too quite though, but he knew her not loving him back, was a price he would have to pay. That was just another reason he didn't want to tell her.

"'s too soon...I care deeply about you, I do, and you make me so happy, but...I'm not there yet. Please understand." She replied after a few minutes passed.

'He knew she wasn't there yet but the fact that she had said 'yet', meant that there was a possibility. Maybe he was thinking too hard about everything. Maybe he should just live in the moment. Let things play out the way they play out. But what if...what if he could find a way out of the marriage agreement? He would have to look it over when they got back but what if there was a way to get out of marrying Astoria. It might be hard, if not impossible. And even if he couldn't, he still wanted to have Hermione in his life. He could possibly handle his parents and friends if it meant he could be with her. He would have to think more on it. For now he was done fighting with her. He loved her and she knew. That is all that mattered at the moment.'

He looked up at her. He needed her to understand where he was coming from, to hear him loud and clear, he needed her to forgive him.

"I understand. I wasn't really expecting you to say it back. It's just...I'm not good with feelings and...I got scared. I didn't want to push you away; I thought I had to. I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to love someone, especially in this kind of situation. But I know I love you. I don't want to scare you away. I would rather you hate me than be afraid of me, or afraid that if you don't say it back, it would ruin what we have. I know it is stupid of me to think about what the future...present...whatever, might hold, but it's a big deal to me. YOU are a big deal to me. I've never had someone care for me the way you do. Even when I've been a git to you and you're mad at me, you still bring me food; you still treat me like you would anyone of your friends. That's who you are. But I never thought it would happen to me. It scares me...loving you...I just want you to be happy. I never thought that I could be someone to make you happy...I panicked at lunch. I didn't know how to deal with the realization of what I discovered on top of being forced to marry someone else. I honestly thought the best way to handle it was to have you hate me. I was wrong. I was wrong not only to hurt you but I was wrong about wanting you to hate me. It hurt so much to hear you say it out loud. I thought it was what I wanted...what you needed. I-"

"Draco?" She butted in and crouched in front of him. Placing her hand gently into his, she squeezed it some before rubbing her thumb against his smooth skin. "I might not love you, but you do make me happy. Our first date, you didn't have to do everything I wanted; but you did. And doing so made me see you in a different light. You're not a heartless person. I don't think you actually ever were. We all get scared sometimes; its human nature, but I'm not going to run away because you grew feelings for me. If anything it shows me that you have a heart. I don't fully trust you when it comes to your actions, but I don't think of you any differently Draco. I just...I now know a little bit more about you. I want to be your friend when we get back. Please just let me be in your life." she finished with a small smile.

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