Chapter 41- The Gift That Keeps On Giving

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This is the last chapter before the epilogue guys! I am happy and sad at the same time that this story is coming to an end. You have all given me so much hope in writing, just by reading, commenting, and liking this story. I want to thank you all for keeping up with me and taking the time out of your day to entertain my first Fanfiction. I can't even begin to tell you how much you all mean to me.

Seven Months Later

Tuesday December 25th, 2001 01:33pm

Christmas at the Burrow, was not something Draco had ever thought he would attend; let alone his parents attend as well. He was used to the small gathering between himself and his parents on Christmas day; that, or the large extravagant parties his mother like to hold in the Great Hall of Malfoy Manor. However, the atmosphere of the large family gathering made him feel comfort. He enjoyed the warm chaos surrounding him. It felt like what a home, should feel like.

Over the past seven months, Draco and Hermione learned the difference of each tingle when the other showed an emotion. It was a rough ride with Draco's emotions being tenfold to hers, and her pregnancy hormones making her feelings flip flop all over the place; but they managed to figure it out.

He and Mr. Greengrass had also developed a new line of muggle technology like Hermione had suggested all those months ago. Malfoy Incorporation, expanded and grew, much more than he had expected. Apparently, cell phones and televisions being charmed to work in the wizarding world, was something every magical being wanted and needed. It was faster to spread news through the community and talk to one another instantly, without waiting for days for a reply.

Owls were still used though, for most post and in Hogwarts, where cell phones where not permitted. But televisions became most popular after July of that year, when places like the Daily Prophet, began creating their own news channels for the magical world.

Unfortunately, the news that broadcasted around the entire world, only a few months after their wedding, on September 11th, 2001; was a day Draco and his friends would remember for the rest of their lives as they stood in front of the television in his flat.

He was happy he didn't have to experience the terror attack that happened to the World Trade Centers in Lower Manhattan, New York City. Surviving a sinking ship was one thing. Surviving two towers collapsing after being hit by full passenger planes, was another. After that day, he made sure the stones were far apart from each other. He had one sent to South America and the other hidden in Russia somewhere. He didn't want his child or anyone else to be thrown back in time, to have that day, be their trial.

Malfoy Inc. had sent previsions and staff to help with the aftermath, especially for the magical community affected by the attack. It had led his company to be seen by the world and people from different countries, started investing in him. It wasn't what he wanted. He just wanted to help. So, he created a few charities, similar to the Red Cross, to help out in any and all disasters around the world.

Today though, was not a day for remembering sadness; it was a day for joy. Draco stood up from the couch he was sitting on in the middle of the crowded living room. Molly Weasley was hectically running around trying to get food and drinks together and looked to need some help. His mother was setting up a table with appetizers as his father, surprisingly, was talking and laughing with Arthur Weasley.

Draco walked to the kitchen where Molly was struggling to balance glasses on a tray.

"Here." He stated reaching in and taking the tray from her and setting it on the counter.

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