Chapter 14- Stay With Me

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I'm sorry I haven't updated the last couple of days. I received a really bad bite from a Husky I was grooming at work. My hand and arm have been swollen and in pain, preventing me from typing and I just discovered yesterday, at the doctors, that the wound is now infected due to incompetent doctors at the ER I was sent to. I managed to finish this chapter though, but please forgive me if it is a few more days before chapter 15 is posted.

Wednesday, April 10th, 1912 03:08pm

Draco sat on the love seat and placed his face in his hands. He realized pushing Hermione away was going to be a lot harder than he thought. He hated pulling away from her, when she tried to reach for his hand and he hated himself for walking away from her. It was torture seeing her get angry for something he purposely did. But he couldn't stop. He had to make her angry enough to hate him again. He would be nice in public but behind closed doors, he would be heartless. He decided he wouldn't use the term mudblood however. The kind of hate he would get from her, for saying it, would be irreversible; it would kill him.

The door to the suite opened slowly and he was prepared for the fight that was going to happen. He turned his head slightly to see her; she looked so angry, but he could see the sadness brewing in her eyes. She looked like she wanted to cry. He didn't blame her. They were getting along so well and he basically was tearing himself away from her. He turned his head forward and took a deep breath as he prepared himself to be callous.

"Took you long enough Granger. You got to be faster than that if you want to catch up to a superior, such as myself." He mocked.

"What the hell is your problem?" she asked with her brows furrowed.

He knew he had to make this fight good.

"You are; you bloody witch! You're an embarrassment and I am ashamed to be seen with you in public! You don't belong in First Class with Purebloods!" He almost shouted as he stood up from the love seat. It hurt him to say those words but he had to keep going. He had to push her away.

"What? What did I do? May I remind you that YOU are the one who ran away from the table for no good reason, while I stayed behind to clean up YOUR mess!"

"My mess? If you didn't talk about stupid topics, no one cared about, than maybe I wouldn't have had to get away from you. You're suffocating everyone with your know- it-all bullshit!"

"God Malfoy, who hurt you? Why are you being such a git all of a sudden? No thanks to you, I got the bloody pendant from Dimitra, and I'll get the other one without you as well! You are useless, you know that? Pathetic and useless!" she claimed, as her hand cut the air.

Her words broke his heart into a million pieces. He could feel himself crumbling. He didn't want to keep going but he had no choice. He couldn't risk dragging her into his miserable life. He didn't want himself to be the reason her friends abandon her or his parents hex her. He didn't want to be the reason she would be alone when they got back. He realized that even being friends with her, would cause her heartache. He knew Potter and the rest of the clan would shun her or make being friends with him difficult. Hell, he even knew his friends; mainly Pansy, would torment her and make her teased days at Hogwarts, look like silly child's play. He had to keep going; for her own good. But at that thought, he had also made another realization.

'If he really loved her, than the further away she was from him in this era, the less it would hurt for him when it came time to say goodbye.'

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