Chapter 9- Make Each Day Count

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Tuesday, April 9, 1912 01:22am

Draco laid in bed with an arm behind his head, staring at the ceiling. He couldn't get over what he had done earlier. He thought it had all been a dream but the fact that Granger was asleep on his chest proved that it wasn't. They had had a fight, if you wanted to call it that. He told her that their kiss meant nothing to him and he didn't like her. But he did.

He realized it in the restaurant when they were eavesdropping on the couple. Dimitra had told Robert that she would choose him always; even though he was a muggle and she was a pureblood. He wanted that. He wanted to be able to choose who he married even if they were of a lower blood status. He had thought about all the women in his life that he could see himself with, but only one person kept popping up at the forefront of his mind. Hermione Granger.

He couldn't admit to the Gryffindor that he was starting to fall for her; let alone admit it to himself. He denied it all day; making up every excuse in the book. But then she brought up the kiss and he panicked. They had only been stuck together for a few days. It was too soon to have feeling for her. Then again he never had feelings for another girl before, it was all new to him; it terrified him. How was he supposed to know if it was too soon? He had known the girl for years, so it wasn't like she was some stranger. But his family would disapprove; possibly even disown him if they found out.

He was fine all day until she brought up the topic he was trying so hard to avoid. But as soon as his defense told her it meant nothing; he saw the frown form on her perfect lips. She didn't even try to hide it. He couldn't help but instantly regret saying anything. He wondered though, for a moment, if she liked him. So he asked her but she ignored him; which just pissed him off more. He had to know and he had to know right then and there. He didn't care about his parent's reaction anymore. He didn't care if he was banished off the family tree. He only wanted her, but if she didn't like him back, he would have to find a way to get over his new found feelings. He was dumbfound when she scream 'I don't know'. He wasn't expecting that answer. It wasn't what he wanted to hear. What made it worse was she then tried to walk away from him and his anger got the better of him.

He let slip a face of doubt, when he grabbed her arm; he didn't mean to scare her. Quickly realizing his mistake he fixed the expression and asked her the question again. He expected her to yell at him, hit him, hex him, something, but she didn't. Instead, she told him yes. That was the answer he had practically begged for. So he did the only thing he could think of, before she could change her mind. He kissed her; again. It was so fast and hard but he was desperate to get close to her. He was desperate for her. However, the kiss got out of hand and it turned into more than he anticipated.

He didn't want to fuck her. Not right away at least. He wanted to show her something he doubted she had ever seen or felt before. He wanted to take care of her and he had; not even worrying about his raging hard on that started to hurt. What he did, was about her. That moment, was for her and he couldn't have been happier.

He knew he had changed since the war but he never thought he had change that much. He was still a prick and he was still broken, but the woman that lay in his arms at the moment was slowly fixing him, without even realizing she was doing it. He never once thought that he would ever be this close to the brunette. If anyone had told him he would be stuck in the past, with his ex-enemy, and like it; he would have punched them in the face. Draco however, didn't know where they stood with each other. They had had a very hot, very steamy, snogging session; but he was still confused.

'Could they go further next time? Would there be a next time? Were they officially together now or were they just 'friends with benefits'? Would he make a good boyfriend? What about Astoria? What about his parents? What about the contract that forced him into a marriage in order to take over as Head of Household?'

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