Chapter 17- The More You Know

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So I made a little boo boo. It's not major and you most likely won't notice it lol but I was actually a day off on all of my chapters. I relooked up the actual date the titanic sank and realized it was a on a Monday, not a Sunday. *Face palm* so I have gone back through every chapter and fixed the dates including the newspaper article. Thank God I didn't put the actual day of the week in the story; otherwise I would have kicked myself trying to fixed it!


Thursday, April 11th, 1912 07:45pm

Draco followed Hermione back up the Grand Staircase and down the corridor towards their room. She was walking so fast he had to actually take larger steps to keep up with her. She was acting strange and he couldn't figure out why. Everything seemed to have been going well at dinner. He wondered if she was pulling a 'him' and running away. He hoped she wasn't. He just got her back. He didn't want her to push him away.

They finally reached their state room and Hermione swung the door opened so fast he thought it would have broken if she used anymore strength.

'Was she mad at him? What would possess her to act like this? He didn't do anything that he knew of, to make her mad at him. Was she mad at Mr. Ismay for what he said? Salazar! He was thinking like a woman! Stop it! Just ask her.

He entered the room and closed the door. She was pacing the length of the love seat. She was angry at something, he just didn't know what.

"Hermione what is wrong?" he asked confused.

She didn't say anything to him. She kept pacing back and forth, cursing out loud.

"Shit, shit, shit, fuck! God damn it, shit!"

"Granger!" he raised his voice to grab her attention, once he realized she wasn't listening to him. "As much as I love hearing you curse, I would rather hear it with you under me. Now tell me what is wrong, so I can help?"

"We are screwed!" She began as she stopped her pacing and looked at him. "We are fucking one hundred percent, absolutely, positively, screwed!" she explained, although not very well.

"What are you talking about? Everything was going just fine unt-"

"I remember!"

"What?" He asked, still confused.

"I remember how I recognized this ship Draco! How Mr. Ismay, Mr. Andrews, and Mrs. Brown's names seemed so familiar to me. I was right when I said the Titanic looked familiar to me! God we are so royally fucked!" She stated as he threw her hands in the air and crouched down to the ground. He hid her face in her hands and began to curse again.

"Granger! You're going to have to be more specific."

She removed her hands from her face and looked up at him.

"Draco this ship is famous-"

"Well I can see why, it's only the largest steam ship in the world right now-" he cut her off still not getting anywhere.

'Why is she stating the obvious and how does it have anything to do with her being so upset?'

"STOP CUTTING ME OFF!" She screams as she rose from her position near the floor.

He threw his hands up in defense. He wasn't trying to start a fight with her, but he needed to know what she was going on about.

"Alright sorry; tell me what this ship is famous for then." He replied calmly.

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