Chapter 7- City of Southampton

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Monday, April 8, 1912 09:22am

'What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you do something like that?'

Draco paced in the bathroom that connected to the room the duo was staying in. He was kicking himself for what he had done. He not only just kissed Granger but he ran away. He didn't mean to do it. Her lips just looked so delicious; he had to have a taste. It was such an invigorating kiss and he half wished it continued but he felt his dick get hard and he couldn't risk her finding out about it. He didn't want her. He might have agreed to be her friend but he didn't agree with his body reacting the way it did. She was running her fingers on his face and he felt so relaxed. Never in his life had he felt a touch as soft as hers and never in his life had he felt so calm because of it.

'She did taste amazing though. Like cinnamon apples on a warm summer day; and she reciprocated. But it meant nothing! It was a mistake and it won't ever happen again! '

Sitting himself down on the edge of the claw-foot tub he rubbed his face and heard the bedroom door click shut.

'She left... She left him and didn't even bother to check on him. Not that it matters. It's not worth the million questions she was going ask.'

After what felt like hours, but really was only about twenty minutes, Draco stood up and left the en-suit. He plopped himself onto the bed as question after questioned popped into his head. He had to find a way to get out of talking about the kiss. He couldn't avoid her forever since he was stuck in the blasted past with her, but he could damn well try to avoid the awkwardness that was sure to come.

As he made plans on how to dodge the questions he knew she would ask; a bright white orb appeared out of nowhere. Sitting up he noticed the orb was in the shape of an otter.

"A Patronus? Who would send me a Patronus in 1912?"

"Malfoy!" the otter spoke "Your ancestors are in the castle. I'll explain everything later but we need to leave. Stay quiet and stay out of sight. I'll be back soon."


He jumped off the bed and grabbed his wand. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want to risk heading out to find Granger, but he didn't want to stay in the room either. After about five minutes of pacing he walked to the door; making up his mind to leave. As he went to grab the handle, the door swung open, almost hitting him in the face. He felt something hard hit his chest. Instinctively he reached out and righted the person falling to the floor.

"Granger? Are you okay? I got your Patronus! Are they really here?" he desperately asked.

She shook her head as if to shake off the sudden impact and looked up at him.

"Yes, I'm fine but we need to get out of here now!"

She took his watch out of her bag and looked at it. He thought it was a little strange that she was checking the time now when they should be making their way out of the place. He saw her peek her head out of the door and before he had a chance question the woman about what she was doing, he felt her grip his hand and drag him behind her. They made it to the main entrance and were about to walk out when a voice made his blood run cold.

"Excuse me? May I help you? Who are you and why are you trespassing on this property?"

Stunned and not knowing what else to do. The duo slowly turned around to face a woman. It was a handmaiden and she was looking cautiously at them. Draco could see her fingers grasping a wand in the front pocket of her apron, so thinking as fast as he could; he straightened himself up as he tried remembering how to speak like a gentleman, and he let whatever bullshit he could muster fall from his mouth.

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