Chapter 12- The Ship of Dreams

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Wednesday, April 10th, 1912 11:05am

Draco stood by pub that sat to the side of the massive ship, and watched a few men play a card game by the large window. He's never seen cards before and it was interesting to watch. It was better, to him, to watch the men in the pub, than watch the thousands of people behind him, saying goodbye to their loved ones. The crowd was so much larger than the ones on September 1st on Platform 9 ¾. It was easily ten times the size. It was a little overwhelming.

He felt Hermione tap his shoulder, which pulled him from his trance and he turned to face her. She had gone off a few minutes ago to ask a crew member, which was checking people for lice, where they should go. It was hard to hear what she was saying over the loud noise of the crowd, so he yelled 'what' and pointed to his ear so she would understand.

"I SAID, WE ARE SUPPOSED TO HEAD DOWN THAT WAY." She yelled above the noise; pointing in the direction of a leaning platform that led to an open door on the ships portside.

He nodded his head in understanding, not wanting to risk yelling over the crowd, picked up their luggage and started following her. They realized before leaving the hotel that they couldn't carry all their things, and since they didn't have staff to help them, they used a charm to shrink all but two suitcases and placed them into Hermione's handbag.

Draco noticed as they walked just how close in proximity they were to Titanic and he couldn't believe how big it was. It looked so large from afar when they first viewed it a few nights ago, but now being so close, he realized just how massive the ship actually was. Its black steel plates created the ships outer skin and it made him wonder what the ship was actually made of. He was impressed when he heard a man behind him mention that the whole thing was built by muggles; no magic involved.

'There was no way that man wasn't a wizard. Not a very smart one though, if he had the balls to talk about magic in such an area. But the man was right about one thing and he had to give muggles credit where credit was due. To build something this massive, without the use of a wand, must have taken them years to complete.'

The couple continued on their path, finally reaching their destination after almost losing each other two times. The noise wasn't so bad in that particular section by the ship, so they didn't need to yell to hear each other anymore, which made Draco's voice box very happy. They stood in line at the bottom of the platform, waiting for tickets to be checked, when Draco felt someone tap his shoulder. He spun around but he wasn't prepared for the face he saw and almost fell backwards into Hermione.

"Ow, Draco! What the hell...o Ms. Applegate? What a pleasure to see you again!" Hermione stated in shock.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lovegood, oh the pleasure is all mine, I thought I recognized you! How are you this fine day?" she excitingly spoke.

"We are well, thank you, and yourself? Draco replied as he managed to stand upright.

"Very well thank you. I am here with the Malfoy's just over there. The rest of the staff and I are bringing their things up...Where is your staff?" she asked, looking at the bags they were carrying.

"Oh well, we uh, we left them all with my parents, you see. My wife and I want to start fresh in America. The staff has served my parents for a long time. I, we, didn't feel right taking them away and to a land they know not." He lied.

"I see, however does the Mrs. tie her corset, I wonder?"



"I have helped her. My mother's handmaiden taught me when I was a child. I was a very curious boy back then and it was the only thing that kept me occupied long enough. It has come quite handy, now that we do not have a handmaiden on this journey." He lied again.

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