Chapter 32- Surprise, Surprise

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Friday, April 13th, 2001 01:08pm

Draco sat at the kitchen table at 12 Grimmauld Place, tapping his fingers on the table with impatience. He and Harry had made a plan over the last few days and everything finally came down to this moment. He was nervous but excited at the same time.

Hermione had taken Ron, Ginny, Blaise, and Theo out for lunch, using the excuse that Harry wanted to talk to Draco about his nightmares, without all the noise in the house. Blaise and Theo had been spending a lot of time at Grimmauld after becoming fast friends with everyone. The same people they were taught to hate growing up.

"Can you stop tapping" Harry groaned. "They will be here soon. Stop worrying."

"I'm not worrying. I'm just impatient." Draco replied releasing a sigh.

Suddenly an otter Patronus shot through the room and landed between Harry and Draco.

"We are on our way back." Hermione's voice emitted from the otter's mouth. "Get ready."

Draco and Harry quickly stood up and ran to the living room. They made it just in time to hear the snap of a disapparation just outside the front door. Ron and Theo ran inside and hurried to the living room to wait for the next group to arrive. The next snap was heard and everyone waited in anticipation.

Blaise and Ginny walked into the living room laughing but instantly stopped when they saw everyone. A large banner was hanging above the group that said 'CONGRADULATIONS' in bold lettering.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Theo shouted as he threw confetti into the air.

Draco saw Hermione from behind the pair, roll her eyes in amusement before walking to the coffee table and picking up a small black box. She smiled at him and then turned around and walked slowly towards Ginny.

"What is all this?" Ginny asked in surprise.

Hermione looked serious while looking at her friend. She handed the little box over to Ginny but said nothing.

"What is this for? It's not my birthday?" Ginny asked skeptically.

"Just open it." Hermione stated with a smile.

Ginny looked down at the box and began to slowly open the lid. She looked in surprise as she lifted up a piece of paper. She quickly raised her head and saw that Hermione had placed herself down on one knee.

"Hermione? What are you-"

"Ginny?" She cut her off and took one of her hands in hers "We have been friends for a long time and I think this is the best way to do this. The paper says it all but what it doesn't say is how much I love you or how much your friendship means to me. Because of you I am able to speak girl and do my hair and makeup flawlessly. I owe you so much... Will you Ginevra Potter, do me the honor of being my Maid, well Matron of Honor?"

Harry and Ron let out loud gasps as they clasped their hands to their chests in an over dramatic way. Draco let out a light chuckle as he looked at the two before looking back to Ginny who was now pretend crying.

"Oh Hermione!" she exclaimed as she folded her lips in "This is all just so sudden."

"But Ginny," Hermione stated as she clearly tried to hold back a laugh "This was meant to be, I can feel it in my bones. What do you say? Stand with me at the alter!"

Ginny folded her lips in again as she let out a squeal of delight.

"Oh my goodness...YES!" She shouted.

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