Chapter 37- Memories

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Friday, May 4th, 2001 01:43pm

Draco stood before The Order as he listed off various places Pansy might be holding Hermione. Each one he mentioned, four or five people in the room headed out to check. He had listed off four different areas already and was only left with one possible location remaining; The Manor.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, along with Blaise, Theo, and Harry remained and he looked at them with dread. If Hermione was in the Manor then there was only one room he could think that Pansy would possibly take her.

The group paired off into groups of three as they prepared to apparate to the outer gate of his family home. Once they arrived, they began running down the long path to the front door. Draco lifted a hand and unlocked the large entry way before slowly easing it open. The group stepped into the Foyer and looked around the unlit room.

"Where should we start?" Harry asked looking eager to begin searching.

Draco however, never got a chance to respond. A loud scream echoed through the halls and everyone's faces suddenly fell in terror. No one uttered a word as they collectively began running down the corridors towards the noise; pulling out their wands as they went. Another scream was heard and Draco began to run faster in the direction it came from. He knew exactly what room Pansy was in; the Drawing Room. The one room he knew Hermione was still not over.

He abruptly stopped running when he reached the dreaded door. He was panting from the exertion and was panic as he heard Hermione crying behind the door. He didn't hesitate as he flung the door open and saw Pansy sitting on top of his fiancée. Her knee held down one of her arms as she carved into the other one.

He quickly raised his wand and cast Flipendo; the knockback jinx. Pansy flew off Hermione and crashed into the wall behind her. The rest of his group rushed into the room and pulled out their wands but before Draco could take a step towards his love, who was now curled into a ball, Pansy stood up and trained her wand just above his head.

"How dare you!" She spat through gritted teeth. "REDUCTO!"

The ceiling above him blasted apart and began falling on to the ground. They all moved out of the way in time before a large piece of debris crashed to the floor, almost crushing them. He regained his footing and stood up while looking at the girl who was obsessed with him; holding out his wand in defense.

Pansy gave off a smirk that could kill before she looked at Hermione and pointed her wand at her. Draco feared the worse and expected Pansy to Avada her.

"NO!" he yelled out, trying to reach Hermione in time, but he was too late.

"Obliviate!" she shouted as she slowly turned her wrist and pulled memories from the love of his life.

Draco reached out in despair as he watched Hermione's face go blank. It took a few seconds before she shook her head and looked around the room. The Weasley's, Theo, and Blaise rushed Pansy who was now laughing hysterically; like a mental patient who had lost her mind. But she quickly lifted her wand and pointed it at the group; halting their movements with a fast binding curse.

"What am I doing here?" Hermione asked confused and shaken. "What... Harry? What are you doing here and why are you with Malfoy?" her face was now one of disgust.

Harry, who was the only one not bind to the floor, slowly stepped forward; however his eyes never left Draco.

"Mione? Are you okay?" he asked only looking at her momentarily before looking back at Draco who was now looking desperate.

"My body is sore and my arm hurts-" she looked down at her arm that had the letters W and H carved in to her skin and she began to panic. "Harry? What happened? What is this?" she began to breathe heavily and her tears started staining her soft face.

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