Chapter 8- The Second Stone

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Monday, April 8, 1912 01:35pm

Draco was speechless. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Right behind Granger, was the second stone. It seemed like their luck just got better. They wouldn't have to search all of England, when they come back from sailing across the world, to find the blasted little thing.

'But how do we get it? I wish there was a way to hear what they are saying.'

"Malfoy?" She whispered leaning over the table. "What's wrong? What are you looking at?"

"Behind you...That's Dimitra Black, youngest niece to Phineas Nigellus Black. His portrait hangs in the head masters office. She was banished off the family tree for marrying a muggle." He whispered back.

" are you staring at her?"

"Hermione...She's wearing the other stone around her neck."

He watched as Granger slowly turned in her chair. She quickly looked back at him with her eyes wide open. She reached into her bag and pulled out what looked like flesh colored string.

"Granger, what the fuck is that?" He asked still whispering as he looked around to make sure no one was watching them.

"Extendable ears." She began with a shrug. "They used to look like real ears but after the war, George Weasley revamped them due to complaints that the ears were too noticeable...Here."

She handed him one half of the string and started to look round. He was curious as to what the little lioness was doing but he didn't question her. He knew she had a plan and her plans usually end up going well, so he just watched her intently.

"Play along okay?"

He nodded his head in agreement and with another quick glance around the room, he saw her move her glass of wine closer to the edge of the table in front of her. She nodded her head at him signaling her plan was about to be set in motion and purposefully, almost looking like an accident, knocked her glass onto her lap.

"OH MY!" she cried out as she stood up from her chair. Taking that as his que, Draco stood up and put on a shocked face.

"My love! Are you okay? You have spilt your wine all over your beautiful gown!" He expressed.

He grabbed his napkin and started to wipe off her dress. She stared at him in confusion. He didn't know if it was because what he said was too much, or if it was because he was touching her again. Before he had a chance to think any more on the subject, the hostess from earlier came rushing over with a few napkins in her hand.

"Oh dear, you have ruined your gown ma'am." The hostess claimed as she started to wipe up the spilled drink.

"Do you have a restroom Miss? I need to clean myself up."

"Yes, yes of course. It's that way ma'am."

Pointing in the direction of the bathroom behind Granger, Draco finally caught on to what the plan was. She was using the distraction to halt the conversation so that they had time to eavesdrop. He watched as she discreetly placed the other half of the string by the table with Dimitra Black and walked to the bathroom.

'Woman is a bloody genius!'

He shook his head as he let out a chuckle and sat back in his chair. The Hostess had finished cleaning up the mess and brought out a new glass when Granger finally reappeared, looking like nothing had happened.

'She must have charmed her dress.'

She sat back down in her chair and motioned for Draco to hold the extendable ear up. Making sure no one was around the pair, they started to listen to the conversation that was being held behind them.

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