Chapter 27- Draco's Speech

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Saturday, April 6th, 2001 07:45pm

Draco looked at his father with pride. He had finally gained the titled he had dreamed of since he was a child. He looked down at the ring on his finger. It wasn't as large as the family ring he wore on his right and instead of the family crest; it held a large green cursive 'H' in the center of the thick silver band. He knew though, once he married he would have to remove the ring and place it on a chain to wear around his neck, like his father normally did so it wouldn't clash with his wedding band. He was proud of this moment; he was finally able to have a say in what he did with his life and no one, not even his father, could stop him.

He let go of his father's hand and walked up to the mic. He looked around the crowded room before his eyes landed on a very sad looking Gryffindor. His heart broke for her. He knew, she knew, what was expected of him but she still stayed. He had half expected her to get up and walk away once the title was transferred. He really hoped she didn't though, even though there was still time for her to bolt.

Looking down at the mic he cleared his throat and pulled out a piece of paper from his jacket. He glanced over it quickly before he began.

"Thank you all so much for coming this evening. I know it is not every day one gets to witness a title transfer and I am happy to have been able to share that moment with you. I know you are all eager to get this party started, so they say." he smiled as everyone let out a laugh. "I will make this as quick, as possible so you can take off your shoes and have some fun. First I would like to start off by listing off the eight honorees that have won the Muggle-born Malfoy scholarship of 2001."

He began to list off the names one by one as the children came to the front to collect a rolled parchment and shake hands with himself, Lucius, Narcissa, and Kingsley. Once he was finished and the last honoree had taken their seat he cleared his throat one more time. He saw Astoria Greengrass had walked to the end of stage ready to be introduced.

Draco took a deep break in as he looked to the girl he was being forced to marry. He noticed Hermione was also looking at the girl, with tears forming in her eyes. He pulled out the paper and box he received from the bedroom earlier and began to speak.

"In Malfoy tradition, in order to stay Head of House, I am to be married. This might not come as a shock to all of you but it is something my family holds dear; it is tradition. It is a way for one to pass on the name to a new generation. I am happy to announce Astoria Greengrass has accepted my proposal and has agreed to marry me." He continued with a large smile.

The crowd stood back up in honor of the accepted proposal and clapped as Astoria began her trek up the stairs in her long silver gown and across the stage.

"However, I won't be marrying Miss. Greengrass." He interrupted.

Astoria stopped walking and everyone slowly lowered their hands in confusion.

"Draco!" Lucius whispered and he took a minor step towards his son. "What are you doing?"

"As the new Head of House, I am now able to choose my bride as I see fit."

"Stop it!" Lucius exclaimed through gritted teeth. "That is not how this works!"

Lucius expression turned to anger and he took another step closer to him. Narcissa though, touched his father's arm and held him back. Draco looked back to the mic and continued his speech.

"As part of my agreement to take over includes, 'upholding, to the best of my ability, any and all rules placed by my previous ancestors in their wills'; I am going to do just that." He opened the folded paper in his hand and began to read aloud.

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