Chapter 33- Breakdown

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Friday, April 13th, 2001 07:16pm

Draco rushed to catch Hermione before she fell to the floor. He caught her in his arms and began to panic. He didn't know what was wrong. She was only feeling nauseous and moody. She never mentions lightheaded or anything.

"Mione?" Harry called out. "Hermione! Wake up!"

"What did you do to her?" Seamus yelled at Draco.

Draco looked up from the passed out girl in his arms and stared Seamus down.

"I didn't do anything! Why would I do something to her?" he retorted back angrily.

"Well you-" Seamus began to argue but was cut off by Harry.

"We need to get her to the hospital! Malfoy can you carry her? I'll get the floo powder."

Draco nodded his head as he went to pick Hermione up but Dean joined in with just as much anger as Seamus.

"Don't you touch her! What did you do?" he screamed with furry.

"Dean! He didn't do anything to her; now get the FUCK out of the way so we can get her to St. Mungo's!" Ginny interfered, stepping in between Draco and the two very pissed off Gryffindor's.

Draco had never been more thankful for the red head. He scooped Hermione up into his arms bridal style and quickly rushed to the fireplace. He stepped in with Harry and turned around.

"ST. MUNGO'S!" Harry yelled as he threw the floo powered to the ground.

A bright green flame engulfed them as it began to teleport them to the hospital. Once they arrived Draco stepped out and followed Harry as fast as he could to the reception desk.

"We need a Healer!" Harry yelled as he ran to the station. "Hurry! My friend collapsed!"

The receptionist quickly stood up and pressed a button that sent a page across the room.

"Healer Francis to the Main Lobby for an emergency, Paging Healer Francis to the Main Lobby for an emergency."

A quick snap and a tall middle aged man appeared before them. A few others, both men and women came rushing out of a door just down the hall with a gurney in tow as they ran to meet up with the group in the lobby.

Healer Francis rushed to Draco and looked down at Hermione. He waved his hand behind him to have the nurses bring the gurney over.

"Set her down son." He asked Draco calmly as he stepped out the way.

Draco carefully laid Hermione down and stepped back. He didn't notice before how pale she had gotten or how fragile she looked. Even worse, he didn't notice the blood that had seeped out of her and onto his white sleeve.

'She told him something was wrong and he fucking passed it off as nothing! How could he be so stupid? Why didn't he listen to her and get the Healer to come right away?'

The Healer and nurses rushed Hermione down the hall and into an elevator. Harry rushed after them but didn't make it in time before the doors closed. He turned back around and made his way to the desk, demanding to know where they have taken Hermione. Draco wasn't listening though. He stood frozen in the same spot staring off into nothingness with his arms at his side.

'This was his fault; if he had only just listened to her. She had been extra tired the last few days and hardly ate anything put in front of her. She was extra moody and emotional as well but not enough to make him think something was wrong. Why didn't he pay more attention? He passed it off as her having her monthly, but it was obvious a not long ago, that she wasn't on her period. What could have possibly made her collapse?'

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