Chapter 35- Granger's meet Malfoy

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Sunday, April 22nd, 2001 03:19pm

Draco stood in front of a suburban house on the outskirts of muggle London. He was nervous as he looked at the family home of the Granger's; the home Hermione had grown up in. He knew her parents knew of him but he didn't really know the extent of their hatred towards him. He bullied their only child in school and now he was going to face them.

He took in a deep breath as he continued to look at the large, two-story, white brick house in the middle of something called a cul-de-sac. Hermione tried to prepare him for what was in store, while she was at Harry's house on bed rest, but nothing could prepare him for the face to face encounter.

They decided it was best to tell her parents the truth about how they fell in love and got pregnant; well parts of the truth. He definitely wasn't going to tell him the detail about the hardcore sex they had to create the baby in the first place. Instead they would tell them about the time travel and the ordeal they went through. It was the least they could do before they drop the news of their marriage and future baby.

Draco began to sweat but quickly pulled out his wand and did a drying spell on himself. Hermione grabbed his hand to soothe him but it wasn't really working.

'You are a wizard for Salazar sake! Get it together Draco, you can handle two muggles!'

But they weren't just muggles, they were Hermione's parents; his soon to be in-laws. And he felt more terrified then when he ever faced Voldemort.

"You ready?" Hermione asked sweetly.

"Nope." He exhaled not looking away from the house.

"It'll be okay Draco. They will love you; I just know it." she tried to assure him.

"They hate me."

"They don't hate you. They don't even really know you." she moved to stand in front of him and began straightening his tie.

"They know what I have done to you. That is enough for any parent to hate me."

"Draco," she sighed "you just need to be yourself. They know what you did as a boy yes, but they are very forgiving people. Once they see that you have changed and make me happy then they will be fine with you...if not then..."

"Then what?" he asked in a panic looking down at her.

She let out a slight chuckle.

"Then nothing; stop worrying, everything will turn out fine. I mean I took their memories away, without their permission, for years and they forgave me afterwards."

"Because you are their daughter; I am just the bully who made your life at Hogwarts miserable."

"And you have atoned for that. Let's just tell them our story and see how it goes, okay?" she lifted her head up and pecked him on the lips.

"Okay." He stated, taking another deep breath and letting it out slowly.

The door to the house opened and before he could get a chance to say anything, he heard a woman scream in joy as she began running down the walkway towards them.

"Mia! Oh darling you made it! I am so happy to see you!" Mrs. Granger exclaimed with open arms.

Hermione turned away from Draco, but not before giving him a wide smile, and hugged her mother.


"Mum! It's so good to see you! Did you dye your hair? It looks lighter?...and shorter?" Hermione asked tilting her head as she pulled back from the hug.

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