2. My House, My Rules

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note: sexual content 




I did not remember a thing from that party the other night.

I was at volleyball practice doing my stretches while Blaire told me all about the shy boy she met at the party.

"We didn't even kiss, June! He was so cute, we're supposed to go out on Saturday." She said dreamily as she reached out to stretch out her legs, while I did the same. I groaned, realizing that I was really stiff and completely not ready for this practice. I got up, stretching out my arms, before dropping them to my side.

Across the gym stood the bane of my existence. Adrienne Andrews.

She was wearing an old blue t-shirt with the sides cut out from it and black spandex. Her long dark hair was pulled back in her usual tight ponytail, and her lips were formed into that infamous permanent smirk of hers. Her dark eyes were lighter than usual, probably thinking of various ways to throw back in my face that she stole my captain position that I've been wanting for three years now.

Yes, Adrienne stole the captain of the volleyball team title from me. I sucked up to all of the captains and coaches for a straight three years of high school, then she spontaneously joined the volleyball team senior year and took away those three years of hard work by automatically becoming the captain. Apparently, she "held the team together" and was "naturally gifted at sports."

Complete bullshit.

Ever since she was announced as captain, I swear she's been trying to make my life a living hell. Every time I started to like a boy, she would be all over him, which I completely didn't get as she was a notorious lesbian. She's probably slept with a good 80% of the girl population at our high school. If she was straight, she'd probably be pregnant by now. I completely didn't understand how she could be known as a teacher's pet and as a fuck girl at the same time.

Oh gosh, and don't get me started about how much she sucks up to the teachers. You would think that the faculty would know about her whorish ways? No! Of course not! They turn a blind eye when it comes to Adrienne Andrews, star of the volleyball team, honors student, and the "ideal role model."

Ideal role model my ass.

What did she have, that I didn't? I knew that I was fairly popular, but Adrienne made it seem like she didn't care about the popularity, and that apparently made people like her more! I was also pretty good at volleyball, I clawed my way to the top all of my life- but when she came along, everyone was so fucking amazed with how much she caught on. And when it came to academics, I swear I would get a 99% on a test, and she'd end up getting a 100%.

She was literally out to ruin my life, and I had to put up with her shit everyday. That's because I had to listen to her every day during practice, and for some damn reason, we were in four out of the seven classes together. My senior year was a living hell with her.

"Oy! Parker! Felt! Stop chatting and start doing some drills!" The bitch yelled across the gym with a smirk on her face. I gritted my teeth as I got up, noticing that Blaire was already halfway across the gym. Even Blaire liked Adrienne, she just knew that I'd rip her head off if she said it to my face.

I sulked over to the rest of the team, doing the drills silently, as my team mates knew not to bother me if I was in a mood.


Three hours later, I was covered in sweat. I was rummaging through my locker to look for my shower supplies, while Blaire still rambled on about the cute boy she met at that party-which I still didn't remember. Boy, was I messed up. I wonder what led me to drink so much at that party?

Blaire was already done with her shower as I watched her pack up her bags. "Hey, I'm gonna go, okay? I have a crap ton of homework for AP Psych that I need to do. I'll text you later, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Are we still on for tomorrow's party?"

"Of course! Unless you don't want to? You drank a lot on Tuesday night." She said as she pulled the strap of her bag over her shoulder.

"Why would I not want to? It'll be fun. I need to loosen up anyways." I smiled as she nodded before leaving the locker room. I grabbed my shower supplies and headed for the stalls, immediately stripping out of my clothes to toss to the side. I switched on the cold water, relishing the cool feeling it had against my hot, sweaty body.

After I was cooled off, I switched to a hot shower, closing my eyes and feeling the muscles on my back loosen up a little. I sighed in relief, trying to forget about all of the stress about school and fucking Andrews.

Soon enough, I opened my eyes quickly, realizing that I lost track of time in the shower. I was probably in there for a good half an hour, I didn't know why that particular shower felt so good to me. I quickly grabbed my towel so I wouldn't be in the cold air for long, then wrapped it around me. I grabbed my shower supplies and dirty clothes, walking towards my locker, when I heard a strange noise.

I stopped in my tracks, carefully trying to listen to what I just heard. It sounded very faint and muffled, as if someone was trying to talk, but couldn't find the right words. It was very weird since everybody, except me, should've left the locker room by now. I walked slowly towards the sound, noticing that it got louder as I rounded the corner.

However, as I rounded the corner, I instantly stepped back. My eyes widening in shock over what I was seeing. I walked behind a locker to keep myself hidden, not wanting to let my presence be known.

Around the corner was some girl I didn't recognize pressed up against the lockers with her leg lifted up, and Adrienne's face smothered in-between her legs. The noise that I was hearing was the girl's moans and the occasional sound of Adrienne eating the girl out.

My breathing was a little weird, and I suddenly got really hot. I bit my lower lip, wondering why the fuck I wasn't running away, but instead I found myself peeking around the locker.

I couldn't pry my eyes away from the two in their intimate moment. Adrienne was on her knees in front of the girl, pushing her against the lockers as her face was buried in her legs. She was still in her clothes from practice, while the girl only had a t-shirt on. The girl's face was red with pleasure, while her eyes closed and her mouth letting out short, loud moans.

"Ad-Adrienne, oh god." She murmured as she arched her back against the locker. This only encouraged Adrienne more as she took one of fingers and plunged it inside the girl. I bit my lip harder, not being able to tear my eyes away from the two. What if I got caught?

The girl was moaning even louder now, and the room was definitely getting hotter. Her moans were echoing against the locker room, causing myself to let out a soft groan of sexual frustration.

Hold up. Wait a minute.

Why was I so turned on by this? My body unfroze, and I started to panic. I quickly and quietly sprinted back to my locker, throwing on the first pair of clothes I saw, before grabbing my stuff and bolting out of the locker room.

I knew that the sound of the locker room door opening and closing would probably get them to stop, so I bolted down the hallway, hoping that they wouldn't come out of the locker room to see who witnessed them.

I let out a sigh of relief when I got out of the school and into the student parking lot. I opened the trunk of my car, throwing my stuff in there without a care in the world. My mind was on other things at that moment.

I closed the trunk and leaned against it, letting out a loud sigh and running my hand through my wet hair.

What the hell did I just see? And why did I like it?




I sighed as I flipped over my pop quiz after five minutes of Mrs. Williams handing it out. I was in AP Calc BC at the moment, and to be honest, it was way too easy. Probably because I studied an adequate amount out of school, but I still didn't understand how 70% of the class was failing.

I wasn't trying to be a bitch. I'd gladly help anyone that came for me for help. My problem was that people my age didn't have the motivation to do well in school.

It was sad.

But anyways, I was absentmindedly drawing lines on the back of my paper when Mrs. Williams asked for my paper as she walked by. I smiled as I handed it to her, taking in her usual sweater and khaki combination. I wasn't judging her, or anything, she was a sweet old woman, it's just that her sweater and khaki collection amazed me. Today she was wearing sky blue khakis with a sparkling black sweater. I wondered where she shopped?

"Good job, Adrienne! That's another ten out of ten for you." She smiled as she took my quiz back to her desk. I frowned as she said that quite loud, so I looked around the room making sure people weren't staring at me when they should've been taking their quiz. I sighed in relief but then narrowed my eyes as I saw a familiar pair of grey eyes glaring at me two seats over.

June Parker.

She's hated me ever since I accidentally pushed her down the stairs in the second grade. (Even though I cried and tried apologizing a million times, shoot I even tried to give her my fruit snacks during snack time.) Or when I broke down during questioning over whether or not June cheated on a science test in the fourth grade. There was also the time when I became volleyball captain...even though I didn't even run. I begged Coach Penn to take the title away from me as I've only been on the team for a year, but she didn't have any of it. So, of course June slapped me when it was announced.

Ever since then, I've known how much June hated me, so I tried to make it fun for myself and annoy her every chance I've gotten.

But lately? I've been attracted to June Parker. Seeing her at the party the other night made my body feel electrified, especially when I saw her in her tight leggings and crop top.

And when I got to touch her? Holy shit I was about to die. It also didn't help the fact that every day after volleyball practice, I got to see her change out of her clothes.

Shoot, I felt like a stalker.

But yesterday directly after practice, my usual hook up, Melanie, texted me asking if we could "have some fun." Who was I to deny that? So, I made sure that everyone was out of the locker room before things got heated in the locker room.

That is, until we heard someone rush out of the locker room, causing both of us to get up in a panic. We ended up continuing our session at my house, but it still bothered me that someone probably saw us in the locker room.

But anyways, June was glaring at me as I was sure that she heard Mrs. Williams praising me for my good grades. I stared back at her, raising my eyebrows as I studied her.

Her long blonde hair was up in a loose bun, while she wore a white crop-top, showing off a section of her stomach, which made me want to jump her then and there. She was also wearing a pair of tight skinny jeans that did wonders for her long, toned legs. I looked back up at her face, noticing that her grey eyes were full of irritation, but she still looked really cute.

Too bad she was a bitch.

I stuck my tongue out at her to annoy her, which did its trick when she scrunched her face up and went back to finishing up her quiz. I grinned, knowing that I hit a nerve.

The bell rang shortly, causing a bunch of people to groan as they didn't finish their quiz. I noticed that June handed it in on time, however out of the corner of my eye I saw Mrs. Williams give her a nine out of ten. I smirked, knowing that she'd be completely pissed about that.

I started walking out of the classroom and to the hallway that led directly to the student parking lot. I was surprised to see a certain brunette leaning against my car. I raised an eyebrow, noticing Melanie texting away on her phone as she proudly puffed out her chest for some reason. She was wearing a black and white flannel with it opened to show the tops of her breasts, along with some black leggings and maroon vans.

I rolled my eyes, realizing that she was getting really clingy lately for no reason. Melanie knew better that I wasn't the relationship type, as I didn't really have time for one. (Plus, Melanie was kinda a whore.)

"Hey babe," she smiled as she pushed herself off of my car to kiss me on the lips hard. I shrugged as I wrapped my arms around her tightly, moving my lips along with the same vigor she had. Then she started to run her hands under my shirt before I pulled away, knowing that we were still in the high school parking lot.

"I can't. I have a shit ton of homework to do before my sister's party. I have to take advantage of not having practice today."

"Then we can have some fun?" Her green eyes twinkled as she pulled at the collar of my t-shirt.

"Maybe, it's my sister's birthday, Mel. I have to help her host."

"Do you? There's going to be like hundreds of people there, you and Alex can't keep track of all of that. Besides, doesn't she have her girlfriend to help her out with that?"

I rolled my eyes again. "It's still her birthday. Anyways, I have to go." I tried pulling away from her but not before she pulled me in again for another kiss.

That was, until someone honked their horn five feet behind us. Melanie screamed and fell down on her butt while I sighed, realizing who was immature enough to do such a thing.

I watched as a familiar bob of blonde hair popped out of the driver's side window with a big grin on her face. "Oops. Sorry, I thought you two were some birds that needed scaring off."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "That doesn't even make sense."

"It does! Now get out of my way!" She snarled out.

"...We're in a parking space. Do you need to park or something?" I said slowly as I watched Melanie get off of her butt and start to complain about getting dirt on her outfit.

"...Ugh! You're so annoying." She popped her head back into her driver's seat and reversed her car, speeding out of the parking lot.

I blinked, wondering why she was so frantic and annoying. Maybe she found out about her quiz?

"Anyway...I've got to go. I'll see you whenever." Before Melanie could protest, I was already in my car and starting the engine. I drove out of the parking lot and made two right turns before I entered the subdivision I lived in, as I lived only five minutes away from the school. I scanned the ID I was given by my family to get into my gated driveway, which would probably be open to everyone in a few hours. I pulled into the circular driveway, getting out of my car and locking the door before I headed inside.

"Isabelle! Oh wait, no, Adrienne? Can you hide all the valuables in the safe room downstairs?" My sister, Alex, said as she motioned me into the living room. I took a look at her, noticing that she was already dressed up for her birthday party in a red long sleeve and black high-waisted shorts.

"Uh, valuables? Sis, that's literally the whole house." I replied.

She looked at me blankly before sighing, "You're right. Oh well, it's not like Mom or Dad will care." She sat down on the couch lazily. "I'm just so not ready for this party."

"Why not? It's going to be sick." I sat down next to her as she leaned her head against my shoulder. Her blonde hair hung down below her shoulders and her golden eyes looked stressed out. My sister and I looked nothing alike, as we were both pretty sure that our parents had affairs with other people during their marriage. It's not like we cared, they were never here anyways.

"I know. I just don't feel like getting drunk tonight, plus Isabelle has been distant lately." Isabelle was my sister's girlfriend of a few years, and I knew they've been acting cold towards each other lately. I honestly thought they needed to break up.

"You don't have to get drunk, you can just enjoy the drunk people atmosphere. Plus, it's your birthday, Isabelle is obligated to cater to you today."

"Maybe." She sighed again before popping up from the couch.

"Come on! You only turn twenty-four once." She grimaced at that.

"I feel old. Now come on, help me call this DJ. He was suppose to be here to set up an hour ago." I laughed at her comment and nodded, deciding that I'd just hang out with Alex instead of doing homework.




I lost Blaire a couple of hours ago amongst the crowd. It was a pretty crazy party. Strobe lights were all over the mansion and a DJ even had a glass booth to himself on the stage. Alcohol was spilling everywhere, and I'm pretty sure I saw a couple of guys doing a line of cocaine or two.

Me? I was drunk again. I ended up finishing a pint of lemon vodka an hour into the party. It was pretty gross, but it did the trick in getting me drunk. I was roaming around the house in a drunken state before I saw a huge crowd gather in the dining room. They were cheering on some girl taking consecutive shots of alcohol with her hands behind her back. I narrowed my eyes when I realized that it was Adrienne that was getting all the attention.


I watched as she finished her seventh shot of what looked like whiskey. She raised her hands up and high-fived a bunch of cheering dudes.

"Holyshit, Andrews! You can take your alcohol." He fist pumped her as she laughed stupidly. I sneered, wanting to get out of the room as quickly as possible before she annoyed me anymore. However, as I looked at the dark-haired girl, a blush rose to my cheeks as I remembered what I walked in on the other day.

I quickly turned away from the scene to get out of the room, but was rudely stopped by two guys blocking the doorway. "Hey! We got ourselves another challenger here!"

"What?" I stuttered out as all eyes laid on me. I could feel a pair of grey eyes scorching my back.

"Think you can beat Andrews' record?" One of the blockheads said as they steered me towards the dining room table, while the other blockhead started pouring eight shots of jack in front of me.

"Wait, what?" I said as my eyes widened, realizing the mess I was getting myself into.

"Come on, you're the only girl in the room, you had to have wanted to challenge Andrews here." He motioned towards Adrienne, and all of a sudden my anger and annoyance for her heightened. I felt a burst of confidence as I put my hands behind my back. The guys around us started to cheer as they realized that I was up for the challenge.

I leaned down and took my first shot, wincing as the taste of alcohol hit the back of my throat. I completely ignored it and went for the second, and the third, then the fourth ...

Finally, I wanted to puke after the seventh shot, but I only had one more to go to beat Adrienne.

That was until the bitch knocked over the last shot glass.

It took me a second to comprehend what just happened, but as the guys started groaning, I realized that Adrienne fucking sabotaged me.

"You bitch!" I slurred before I took my hand and slapped her across the face. Her eyes widened as she held her face.

"Holy shit! That was a complete accident I swear, one of the guys bum-"

"Cut the shit, Andrews." I was way too drunk to comprehend whatever I was doing so I pushed her against the wall and slapped her across the other cheek.

All of a sudden, all of the groans turned into cheers as they realized that Adrienne and I were about to get into a huge fight. In defense, Adrienne took ahold of my shoulders and pushed me against the dining table. I groaned from the impact of it, knowing that I'll wake up sore in the morning from it.

"You're so god damn annoying!" She screamed as she grabbed ahold of my top, ripping it slightly in the process.

"I'm annoying?! You're the annoying one you fucking lesbian whore!" I pushed her back into the wall harshly, her head banging against it pretty hard. I was about to throw a punch when all of a sudden I felt arms secure themselves around my waist, pulling me away from Adrienne.

"Woah, you two need to chill." I looked back, seeing some guy with dreadlocks holding me back from Adrienne.

"Who the fuck are you?" I snarled out while I watched a guy that looked like a surfer secure Adrienne.

"That doesn't matter bruh, but you two need to mellow out. Here, this'll help." The two guys started to carry us out of the room, earning boos from the crowd of guys that we were just with.

"Where the heck are you taking us!?" Adrienne yelled as she tried to kick her way out of the guy's hold.

"Chilllllll. Spending some quality time alone will help you guys out." That's when they opened a door, which was a small bedroom, and threw both of us inside. My eyes widened as I got up to grab the door handle, realizing that it wouldn't budge. They probably put a chair on the other side so we wouldn't be able to get out.

Those idiots.

I groaned as I banged my head against the door, which I shouldn't have done considering the fact that I just took seven shots of Jack Daniels. I felt the room start to spin, until I turned around, realizing that I was stuck in a room with Adrienne fucking Andrews.

"This is all your fault!" I screamed as I tackled her to the ground. I straddled her, getting ready to hit her in the face, when all of a sudden she flipped us over, pinning my arms above my head with one of her hands.

I yelped in surprise as she planted her legs over me to secure me. I let out another scream as I realized how much stronger she was, and how she was probably holding back earlier. "Let me go, you bitch!" I tried kicking and moving out of her grasp, but to no avail, she just held onto me tighter.

"What the hell is your problem?" She said as she rolled her eyes. I noticed that her lip was bleeding a little bit, but other than that, I didn't do too much damage on her. To be honest, her lips looked completely kissable besides the fact that it was bleeding.

Wait, what did I just think of?

I'm pretty sure that was just the alcohol talking.

"You're my problem! Why do you always have to butt in on my life?!" I tried struggling out of my grasp.

"I am not! You walked into the room!" She retorted.

"I didn't know! It's a party!"

"It's MY house!" She exclaimed before getting off of me to brush herself off. My eyes widened as I realized what she said, getting up slowly as I knew I was really drunk.

"What?" I muttered.

"You heard me. This is my house. It's my sister's 24th birthday." She sighed as she ran her hands through her hair. I noticed that her cheeks were rosy from the alcohol, and it made her face even more appealing.

Stop that, June.

"Oh." I bit my lower lip, suddenly thinking about how Adrienne's head was buried in-between...

Snap out of it June, you're drunk.

"Yeah, oh. Fuck, you're such an idiot." She rolled her eyes as she went over to the door to try it again. "Now, I'm stuck with you."

"You mean, you're stuck with me." I said slowly.

"That's what I said. I'm literally stuck in a room with a drunk girl that hates me."

"Yup. And I'm stuck in a room with a dyke."

Adrienne's eyes narrowed as she turned away from the door to glare at me. "What did you just call me?" I watched as she started to grit her teeth.

"Oh nothing. I just called you a dyke." I smiled innocently.

She walked towards me slowly, making me have no choice but to back up against the bedpost. I watched as her grey eyes darkened to an almost black color. I gulped, realizing that I probably shouldn't have called her that.

"Uh- Wait-" I started to apologize, but then she took her hand and pushed me hard onto the covers of the bed. I tried sitting back up, but Adrienne just forced me back down.

"You know, you shouldn't be throwing that word around so carelessly. Besides, you can't have a thing against lesbians as I'm pretty sure you fucking enjoyed it when I was about to finger you the other night." I tried sitting up again, as my mind started to panic, but my body started to become overexcited.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" I muttered as Adrienne pushed me farther up the bed. However, she immediately closed the distance between us, kissing me with an intent I didn't know existed in life as she grabbed the back of my head to pull me closer. 

And do you know what I did? 

I kissed her back. 

Her grey eyes widened as if she wasn't expecting me to continue the kiss, but to justify my own actions, I let my tongue probe at the entrance of her lips asking for her to get closer to me. I didn't know what was coming over me, it was as if all of my pent-up anger towards Adrienne nullified and replaced itself with the goosebumps that laced my skin from her contact. 

I wondered why she kissed me back, considering I carelessly called her the d-word earlier. As we continued to kiss, I felt bad for calling her such a hurtful word. Therefore I leaned into her, letting my lips roam against hers to indicate how sorry I was.

Suddenly, I felt her hand lay on my thigh, squeezing it softly as an act to ask me for permission. I could feel my growing need burn in my lower abdomen, making it seem like the room temperature was hotter than it actually was. I nodded against her, her hand tightening its hold on my skin which made me feel like my whole leg was going to burn off in flames. 

Slowly, I felt her hand travel up to the hem of my leggings, swiftly sliding her hand into the fabric so she'd be able to access my lower regions. I gulped, becoming nervous because I've never done this before. 

I could feel her fingers on my soaking wet panties, knowing that it was probably incredibly embarrassing how turned on I was. (Especially since we only made out for like five minutes.) I felt her fingers trace along where my inner-folds were but were simply shrouded by the thin fabric that separated comfort from bliss. I knew it was just useless to have my panties on, knowing her fingers were probably already wet from the fabricated contact. 

I knew I was slightly intoxicated, but I knew that even though I hated this bitch, I really wanted it to happen. It was as if there was a craving need inside me that wanted to keep itself satisfied and burning to its content...

That was, until she removed her fingers. I let out a groan as I felt her weight lessen from the bed. I looked up at Adrienne with an annoyed expression on my face.

"What the fuck?" I yelled out angrily.

She smirked as she brought her fingers up to her mouth to lick them. I felt the inside of my legs throb.

"What?" She laughed as she walked away from the bed, then over to the door as she flung the door open.

"Oh...you thought I was actually going to go through with it?" she hesitated and shook her head, "June, you busted open my lip, you shoved me into a wall, and you called me a dyke. I am definitely not having sex with you. Fuck no."

 She laughed. "Plus, the chair that was against the door fell when I checked it last. It's been open this whole time." She winked at me before she turned right and left me alone on the bed with my insides begging for more and my stomach in knots. 

I fucking hated Adrienne Andrews.

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