4. Bonk

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June's POV


"Honestly June? As your best friend, I'm supposed to tell you how right you are, how Adrienne is being a complete bitch and yada yada..." Blaire said as she sat criss-crossed on my living room floor. I was seated in the armchair across from her, we were supposed to be doing calculus homework together but after the Starbucks incident, I found myself not being about to focus long enough to get anything done.

"See! Adrienne is such a fu-" I started to exclaim but was cut off by Blaire holding up a finger to silence me.

"BUT, also as a friend, I'm going to say that you were completely irrational and you shouldn't have reacted that way."

My eyes widened as I was about to interrupt her with my reasons for throwing my green tea latte at Adrienne, but was instantly silenced with Blaire still holding up her finger with a glare pointed right at me. "She was just teasing you, June. First of all, from what you were telling me, you reciprocated her actions." My mouth hung open in protest but Blaire was still glaring at me to let her finish.

"Secondly, she paid for your drink," she hesitated, "and tipped the barista! Isn't that just a charmer?" 

"WHICH I COULD'VE PERFECTLY PAID FOR." I couldn't help it, Blaire was hoeing me on all sorts of levels tonight. I rolled my eyes at the blonde, trying not to make eye contact because I knew she hated when I didn't take her opinions to heart.

"Anyway, and lastly, I don't think anybody deserves to have a frozen drink chucked at them in public. Plus, she's our team captain, she's gonna make us do an extra mile or so at practice out of spite now." Blaire flipped me off due to my interruption and probably because of the fact that she was right about Adrienne wanting revenge at practice.

I mean, if I was the team captain that wouldn't be a problem then.

"She started it from the beginning, Blaire. The stupid bitch is hell-bent on trying to ruin my life and the party situation? I'd never get with her while I was sober, plus I'm not even gay."

Blaire snickered.

I narrowed my eyes at her and hissed out, "what?"

She smirked, "I mean, for someone that hates Adrienne Andrews that much, you sure do talk about her a lot."

"That's only because she keeps interrupting my life!" I shrieked as I leaned out of my chair and put my hands up in the air.

"Whatever, June." Blaire rolled her eyes then giggled again. "You sure you don't like eating puss?"

"No!" I yelled out as I fell out of my chair and marched over to the kitchen to ignore my best friend. I opened the fridge to check out if there was anything to eat.

"No as in you're not sure?" Okay, at this rate Blaire was asking to get smacked in the back of the neck. I ignored her and decided to grab a strawberry yogurt from the fridge to snack on. I was tempted to grab one to chuck at Blaire, but I felt like that would just reinforce her reasoning on why I shouldn't have thrown my latte at Adrienne.

I grabbed a spoon before walking back to the living room to sit across from Blaire on the floor. I opened the lid off of the yogurt and angrily smashed the spoon in, taking quick angry bites while I glared at my best friend. She just laughed one last time before laying down on the floor to look at her calculus book.

Where would she even get the idea from that I liked girls? Of course, I didn't like girls. This was obviously all of Adrienne's doing. It wasn't my fault that my body reacted in a way that I couldn't control last night. Adrienne probably planned everything anyway. The bitch just wanted to add another girl to her list.

But, ha! Not on my watch. I would never purposefully sleep with Adrienne. I'd rather jump off a cliff or fuck a hobo.

Okay, maybe not the last part, but still.


Adrienne's POV


I slowed to a stop with heavy breaths as I finished my mile. I looked back over my shoulder, realizing that everyone was still a good distance behind me. I shrugged and walked over to where my stuff was and grabbed my water bottle to take a long drink out of it.

My eyes drifted over all of my teammates seeing that everyone was making an effort to run their mile within a reasonable amount of time. My eyes squinted when I noticed two familiar blondes only speed walking at the end of the pack.

"Parker! Felt! Pick up the pace!" I yelled out as some of my teammates accompanied me to take drinks of water. The two probably still have a full lap to go to finish their mile, at this rate the whole team would have to wait for them to finish up.

I watched as Blaire said something to June before she started to sprint. My eyes stayed on the slower blonde as her face took up a grimace. She gave me a deadly glare before her body started to speed up. I laughed at her immaturity and turned away to finish my water bottle.

After June threw her drink at me at Starbucks yesterday, I decided to stay away from the dangerous blonde. It was obvious that even if she was secretly attracted to me, she wasn't going to make it easy and I could definitely lose a few fingers in the process.

There was also the fact that she was in denial that she liked girls, and I wasn't about to mess with a girl questioning her sexuality. It would cause a lot of unnecessary drama that I didn't need in my life.

Yet, I couldn't help but think about the way she moaned after my teasing the other night, or how every time she touches my skin it feels like I'm physically on fire. I still found myself thinking about the blonde before I fell asleep every night, wishing that she could lay by my side while I stared into those abysmal grey eyes of hers...

I shook my head to try to clear my thoughts away as the girl in question hastily passed her last lap. I watched as she glared at me while she passed to grab her water bottle. I just didn't understand why she hated me that much? I knew we butted heads in the past, but I felt like this grudge that she held against me was a bit too much.

"Okay guys, let's just each pick a partner to help practice our digs before coach gets here." Everybody nodded and partnered up with their friends or the person they happened to be next to. I watched out of the corner of my eye as I realized that June dragged Blaire off to the corner of the gym with a volleyball in hand. June angrily chucked the ball at Blaire while she hastily dived on the floor to hit the ball back towards June as she angrily argued with her best friend.

I rolled my eyes, deciding not to call them out for talking too much as I partnered up with a fellow teammate of mine.

We were doing our drills for a solid ten minutes before I felt the hard surface of a volleyball slam into my right ear. I doubled over and rubbed at the side of my head as it erupted in pain. I groaned and waved my partner off when she tried helping me up.

"I'm fine," I mumbled as I gritted my teeth to distract from the sharp pain. My eyes darted to where the volleyball came from and glared as I found a familiar pair of grey eyes sparkle in gratification.

"Sorry, captain! My hand slipped!" June yelled from across the gym as she shrugged in an attempt to say sorry. Her partner, Blaire, had a dumbfounded look on her face as it was obvious that she witnessed June spike the ball into my head on purpose.

I rubbed my head again as I turned to the blonde, "It's alright, just watch where you're hitting next time." I couldn't help but smile when I saw hers falter due to my lack of injury.

But damn, she could hit that ball hard.

I turned back to face my partner again as we continued practicing passing the ball back and forth. Eventually, we decided to practice on setting the ball towards each other.

That was until I felt another volleyball slam right into my jaw.

This time, the force of the ball sent my ass flying onto the gym floor. I yelped out in pain as I sat up from the floor and instantly felt dizzy with the spins. I rubbed my jawline in irritation as my eyes found their way to the perpetrator.

I let out a frustrated sigh. What the hell was this bitch thinking? She could easily give me a concussion if she hit the ball hard enough for me to hit my head against the floor?

I slowly got up with the help of my teammates, then I angrily stomped over to the smug blonde. "Are you serious? You could've easily hurt me!" I growled out as our faces were a mere few inches away from each other. I stared at her small, defined face that was filled with pride and hatred and mentally slapped myself for wanting to kiss her at that moment. (Even though she was obviously trying to kill me.)

"As I said before, it was an ac-ci-dent." She grinned as she pronounced each syllable distinctly in order to make me angrier. I knew she wanted a reaction from me so that I could get in trouble. Even though my head hurt, I wasn't going to give her that satisfaction.

"Accidents happen twice?" I retorted as the blonde bit her lip in order to think of a quick comeback.

"I guess so, is your head okay? Does the captain have to sit out because she has a boo boo?" She started to fake pout, and it took everything I had within my body to not push the blonde out of my way.

"No," I replied while I gritted my teeth. I looked over at Blaire who seemed to be watching out the encounter with wide eyes. I looked all around me and realized that everyone on the team was doing the same. I mean, I knew the whole team knew that June had it out for me, so it wasn't a surprise that they were waiting for a fight to break out.

I started to smile, "But you could sit out though. It seems like your game is off today due to your "ac-ci-dents" maybe you should sit out for the remainder of practice?" I snickered at my retort as I watched her eyes grow darker with rage.

"I will absolutely not-" She started to growl out but was interrupted by our coach entering the gym.

"What's happening here? Why isn't everyone practicing? I go to one teacher meeting and I find you guys slacking off?" Everyone cringed and went back to their partners to continue practicing their drills. Instead of looking over at coach, June and I were still glaring at each other in the middle of the gym.

"Is there a problem here? Andrews? Parker?" Our coach said as she stood right by us with crossed arms.

I bit my lip, "June has been having an off practice. She hit me with the ball twice on accident. I suggested she cooled off and rested for now."

Our coach looked between the two of us, before nodding in agreement. "Good call, Parker go off and rest. Everyone has a bad day once in a while, go shower and go home. There's another day tomorrow, and I trust Andrews judgment."

I watched as the blonde's face got red with embarrassment and anger as she turned around and stomped towards the locker room. I did everything I could to hold in my laughter in front of the coach. I didn't want her to look into our argument any more than it was.

I mean, it was just June being petty over whatever pathetic reason she had in mind. She would get over it eventually.

I mean, she had to, right?


I chucked my duffle bag into the back seat of my car before opening my car door hastily and slamming myself into the driver's seat. I jammed my keys into the ignition and put the radio on high before screaming like a madman in my car in the half-empty school parking lot. I banged my two fists against the rim of the steering wheel, hoping that my airbag wouldn't activate but also hoping that all my anger would leave my body with the excess force.

I fucking hated Adrienne Andrews.

How come she was able to have everything her way? Why did everyone fucking like her?

God, I wish I hit that ball harder so I could crack her stupid skull open.

I let out another scream before turning the radio down. I leaned back in my seat to try to calm my nerves down, but to no avail, her stupid face kept coming up inside my head.

After I was kicked out of practice, I stupidly and angrily kicked the shit out of her locker, barely making a dent in the process but satisfying me in the meantime. I took a long, hot shower in an attempt to use up most of the hot water and screamed to my heart's content in the locker room. (I don't have problems, Adrienne just got on my nerves for the last time.)

Now here I was, in my car, waiting for the rest of the team to get out of practice so I could give Adrienne a piece of my fucking mind. (Also because I promised to give Blaire a ride home after practice so couldn't leave a girl hanging.)

After what seemed like half an hour, I watched as the rest of the volleyball team exit the side of the school. All of them were sweaty or wet from the showers, and all were excitedly talking about practice or probably talking about different ways to suck Adrienne's invisible ego dick.

Ten minutes later, I still couldn't find Adrienne or Blaire. What was taking so long? One part of me just wanted to yell at Adrienne, while another part of me just wanted to get Blaire out of here and go home.

Finally, I watched the side door to the school open as the queen bitch herself and Blaire came walking out side by side while laughing together. My eyes narrowed as I watched Blaire use extravagant hand motions to tell some story while Adrienne's face contorted with laughter.

Oh, hell no.

I quickly got out of my car and marched over to the traitor and slut number one. I watched as Blaire's blue eyes widened in surprise at my angry figure walking towards them. She interrupted the story she was telling to jog over to me in order to intercept the fight I was about to start.

"Woah, woah there June. Come on, at least be civil, you shouldn't be angry with Adrienne. You were the one that spiked those volleyballs at her, she could've gotten a-

"I don't give a flying fuck," I muttered before pushing her aside and striding over to Adrienne. For a second, she didn't register what was happening until I was face to face with her in the parking lot.

"Hi." She said with a stupid smirk on her face.

I knew my face was red with anger, so I kept my fists by the side of my body while I glared into her similar grey eyes. (Mine were prettier.)

"What the hell was that in there, Adrienne?" I tried to control my anger and my voice in order to not cause attention in the parking lot. At least most of our teammates were leaving the premises, so they wouldn't have to see the shit show that was about to ensue.

"What? You were the one that started it." She rolled her eyes while mine trailed over to the blossoming blue bruises on the side of her face. I couldn't help but feel a little bad, but I easily threw that sensation down into the pit of my stomach as I huffed out in annoyance.

"No, you were the one that started it days ago."

"Excuse me, you were the one that started it a week ago when you came onto me on the dance floor."

I still didn't understand why she kept referencing that in front of me. I certainly didn't remember coming onto her during any party at all. She must've been crazy or dreaming because I felt like I'd remember something like that.

"I did not. You must be mistaking me for someone else, because if you actually think that I'd get with the likes of you-" I hissed out while looking up and down her body, "then you're batshit crazy."

"You're the one that's crazy! One minute you're like, "Why did you stop? Please Adrienne..." I grimaced as her face tried to mimic me moaning, "And then the next you're trying to kill me at practice? How stupid are you?"

I got closer to her so that our noses were barely touching. My breath caught in my throat as I realized how dark her grey eyes were becoming and how the proximity of our body heat made my heart flutter a beat.

What the hell June? I pressed my lips together to get those stupid thoughts out of my head. I hated Adrienne Andrews, and any thought besides her killing her was not my doing.

I whispered, "And as I told you yesterday at Starbucks, I don't want anything to do with you. I hate you, Adrienne. Just stay out of my life."

"Like I'd want to have anything to do with your life. With that stunt, you threw at practice? I hope no one wants to have anything to do with your lowly piece of shit."

I breathed out hard, "Then let's agree to stay away from each other. Fuck you."

"Agreed." She stated while I watched her dark eyes dull a bit. Was she sad? Of course, she wasn't.

Her body turned around to walk over to her car as Blaire grabbed my forearm to lead me towards my car. I couldn't help but stare at Adrienne's retreating figure and feel a wave of emptiness envelop me. I shook it off as quick as it came as I turned back to follow Blaire, who was exuding annoyance at my outburst at Adrienne. I ignored it as we both got in my car and drove in silence.

But I couldn't help but think if I made the right decision on hating Adrienne Andrews.

She wasn't good for me, right?

I gritted my teeth as my hands clenched the wheel.

Was I growing fond of Adrienne? Did I like her?

I stomped onto the gas down my street as I tried forgetting about the dark-headed idiot.

Of course not?

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