24. Goodbye, Princess

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June's POV


I wake up cuddling a nearby pillow and Adrienne nowhere to be found.

I frowned, wishing the pillow was her as I sat up on her bed, grabbing my phone from her nightstand to see what time it was. I groaned, realizing that it was already seven in the evening and I should probably get home.

I wondered where Adrienne was when I lifted my naked body off her bed. I grabbed one of Adrienne's volleyball long-sleeves from her closet and a pair of sweatpants that were laying around. I made sure to rake my fingers through my hair to detangle the fact that we had mind-blowing sex earlier.

My cheeks reddened at the memory of how I was acting - how I was basically begging to be fucked.

I shook my head, also ignoring the fact that there was a huge hickey on my neck that I'd have to take care of later, and grabbing my stuff to head out of Adrienne's room.

I wandered around aimlessly in her vast hallway, finally finding the staircase after what seemed like decades.

Where the hell did this idiot go?

I descended the staircase and continued to look around for the familiar dark-headed girl. I grinned when I spotted her head from the couch, her head leaned over a bit to look at the contents of her phone.

I took the liberty to walk over to her, leaning against the back of the couch as I slid my hands onto her shoulders and down her torso. I felt her stiffen at my touch, but I touched my lips to her earlobe and whispered, "Why'd you leave me all alone up there, Andrews?"

I felt her frown as her grey eyes turned towards me, "I was bored."

I bit my lower lip, not expecting that answer from her as I pulled slightly away from her. "Oh, um, well could you take me home? It's kinda late, I don't want my parents to worry that much."

Adrienne stood up, scratching the back of her neck and biting the inside of her cheek, "Yeah, so, sorry. I can't, I've got to...pick up my sister from her girlfriend's house, they had a fight and only used one car."

My stomach dropped, feeling really disappointed, "Oh, yeah, no problem. I can just grab an Uber."

She shrugged, "Yeah, could you do that?" She instantly went on her phone to browse whatever she was doing before, and I suddenly felt empty inside. I mean, what was I expecting her to sugar-coat all the times we've hooked up before? That's what it was anyway...just hooking up, so I shouldn't expect a girl like Adrienne to cuddle me awake or to drive me home anytime I wanted to.

But I still felt like crying, because unfortunately, I knew what I was getting into with Adrienne Andrews. I knew sleeping with her would become a problem for me, and not because she was an annoying bitch.

But because I had some really hard feelings for the dark-headed girl.

Like, my heart hurt just from being with her, and I felt like I was on fire from touching her.

I looked down at my phone to order an Uber and frowned when I realized that it literally just died. I sucked in a breath, "My phone just died, could you order one for me?"

She rolled her eyes, and I clutched my arms to myself because I suddenly felt cold. "Yeah, whatever, sure," she said coldly as she did a few things on her phone. After a few minutes, she looked up at me, "It'll be here in three minutes, it'll be a white Camry up in my driveway."

She then proceeded to walk away from her living room and into the kitchen. I had to press my teeth tightly together to stop the tears from flowing as I slowly walked myself to her door.

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